Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Welcome to Chasing Rainbows!

Welcome to "Chasing Rainbows"
... I'm so happy you're here!

The name "Chasing Rainbows" came to me when I thought of my journey with Gavin. The expression means that someone is trying to achieve something that is not practical or possible. Well, when it comes to Gavin... and even Brian... no one is going to tell me that something is impossible. I am happy to forever be their official cheerleader and rainbow chaser. The "address" of my blog is my name. Hopefully most of you know it by now - Kate Leong. So if you forget www.kateleong.com, you can search for
Chasing Rainbows and hopefully find me!

I'm very grateful to two special people for helping me design my blog. My friend, Karen Owens, offered to help me get it started and was patient with me as I sent color choice after color choice and changed my mind fifteen times. Then I randomly searched for a blog designer on Google and it was like I was led there on purpose. She started her writing on a page similar toCaringBridge, just like me. And she started writing after losing her daughter who passed away days after her birth. We quickly bonded and she helped put the finishing touches on the blog. You can visit Franchesca and see her work at Small Bird Studios.

So, let me give you a tour! If you're unfamiliar with blogs - here are some basics. (This is for you, Mom and Dad!) Clicking on the Chasing Rainbows title or any of the photos on the header will always bring you back to the home page and the most recent entry. There is also a "home" button at the bottom of each page. On the right is a box for your email - if you enter it, you will receive an email update when I write something new! The Facebook, Twitter and You Tube buttons will bring you to my pages there. As always, I'm happy to accept friend requests. The Orange button is for people who read blogs and want them on a feed. If you blog, you'll know what this is. If you ever want to contact me (I love mail!), click on the speak bubble that says "contact me" and it will direct you to my email. Want to comment on a post? At the end of each post you'll see "comments" - click on that and it will open a comment box. If you don't have any of the accounts that are listed and don't have a blog or website of your own, you can click on "anonymous" and then just sign your name after your comment! I love comments and suggestions and tips and even complaints... so have at it! And if you love something you've read and want to share it on FaceBook... there's a button for that! You'll find it at the end of each entry.

At the top of the page, you'll see "home", "about us", "gavin", "brian" "darcy claire". Click on any of those and it will bring you to their stories. If you're new here, those links will explain why I started writing, what is wrong with our son, how I met my husband, what happened at the start of my pregnancy with Brian, the story of losing our daughter... and so much more. Those pages won't change... unless our family grows! (Fingers crossed!)

Ok, enough with the administrative stuff... if anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me. In the meantime, save this web address - bookmark me - subscribe - share my blog - and visit daily! I always say, each visit feels to me like another prayer or positive thought for our family. I love my readers!!

This morning, Gavin and I went to the hospital to see his Orthopedic Doctor, Dr. Gabos.
He thought Gavin looked great... and remarked that his trunk strength had improved a lot since his last visit six months ago. He's always amazed at Gavin's flexibility. Most children with Cerebral Palsy have high tone and lots of rigidity.
Gavin is the complete opposite - it's like he's made of rubber. Dr. Gabos always has to explain to whoever is helping him that day why Gavin is "orange". After one intern expressed his concern for my "obviously jaundiced" son, Dr. Gabos informed him of Gavin's incredible diet that includes carrots and yams. We laugh about it still.

After the appointment, we rushed home to make it in time for Gavin's feeding therapy. Miss Maggie brought a vibrating spoon to try with Gavin and it was pretty hilarious.

I think each time she put the spoon in his mouth he thought he was getting his teeth brushed... but soon he got the hang of it and even closed his lips around the spoon a couple times (which is the goal).

I saved some exciting news for my first blog entry. Our family is about to change! After 19 years with the same company, Ed is moving onward and upward. I am enormously proud of him for putting himself out there - can you imagine updating a 19 year old resume and interviewing again? I've always told him that the moment he puts himself out there, someone will snatch him up immediately... and I was right. He's so smart... and good at what he does. He starts with his new company at the end of June, so we're hoping we'll be able to squeeze in a little vacation before then. One of the reasons he's changing jobs is to have a better work-life balance. This job will require a lot less travel and a daily schedule that will allow him to see the boys before they're asleep! I feel so lucky that I married a guy who has priorities like this. And I'm very excited for him as he embarks on this new adventure. Congratulations, Ed!
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