Saturday, February 4, 2012

Road Trip...

I'm really in a grumpy mood. I thought about taking to this blog to vent and complain and whine. But I decided against it. I want to keep calm...think happy thoughts...and prepare my whole body lovingly as to not scare these little embryos away before I even meet them. And anyway, the day started off so well with a report on our little could I stay grumpy, now that I think about it?!!?

The embryologist said that two of our embryos are five is six cells and the last one is a seven cell. They also graded them - two are "B" quality and two are "C" quality. This is all good news to me! The only hiccup could be a change in the transfer date. It still could be Monday, but there is a chance that they will delay it to Tuesday. It all depends on what the embryos do over the next couple days. Ed has meetings he doesn't want to miss on Monday and Tuesday and prefers that I find a ride to the transfer. I'm set for Monday...and I'm set with Miss Sara to stay late that night and the next. I just need to work on a plan for Tuesday. Trying not to let it stress me out. Trying.

This morning after breakfast we headed out on a road trip. I've been trying to investigate schools for Gavin when I can. One school that I have an interest in is called Camphill Special School.

The website is pretty fabulous...and I know one family who's son actually lives there. They love it. I do plan to schedule a tour, but today I wanted to get a feel of how far it is. It took us about a half hour to get there - and that was on a Saturday morning. It's a beautiful drive...and a cool campus that is up on a bit of a mountain with beautiful views.

I like the whole idea of this school...but logistically I don't know how we could work it out. Especially if I get pregnant. I just don't see putting either of the boys on a bus right now. They're just too little! It's just my own little "thing" - it's hard for me to let anyone other than me or Ed drive my children anywhere.

These were some of the buildings we saw as we drove around - trying to not look suspicious with our black van and big camera.
They have half day programs. I have this vision of bringing Brian to school in the morning - picking him up - bringing him home - picking up Gavin - taking him to school - then picking him up late in the afternoon. It could be nuts. But one step at a time. Only one foot is in this school pool at the moment. If anyone has any experience with this school - directly or indirectly - I'd love to hear from you!!!

Finally...I'd like to ask for lots and lots and lots of positive thoughts and prayers for little Brian. He has been sick...and miserable...and congested...and coughing...and up at night...and cranky...and whiny...and you get the picture...for over a WEEK now. He needs to get better and get back to his normal routine. It's affecting everything.

(Including my sanity)

1 comment:

  1. I am reasonably sure that this is the school where my cousin lived for several years. She has pretty severe mental retardation and did very very well there. When she "aged out," she moved to a different Waldorf community in VT. She's 5 years older than I am, so it's been almost 30 years since she was there, but I heard many good things about it.


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