Friday, July 6, 2012

Allergy Update...

As you know, we deal with several allergies and sensitivities in our house.  Brian is allergic to nuts...and he's sensitive to gluten and wheat.  Gavin is also sensitive to gluten and he's allergic to eggs...and detergents...and, unfortunately, dogs.  We had a wonderful dog named Lucy that we had to gift to our friends when we were told about Gavin's allergy.  So today was a treat for Brian!  Miss Sara was dog sitting a sweet "Goldendoodle" named Daisy.  She brought her over at the end of the day so she could have a good run in our yard.

It was nice to see Brian interacting with Daisy.  It kinda sorta made me miss having a dog.
Until I remembered rainy days and muddy paws and hair everywhere.  But besides that...

This afternoon I took Brian to see our Acupuncturist, Dr. Kang.  She has been treating him, and I have been treating him at home, to hopefully eliminate his peanut allergy.  I wrote about it in THIS POST.  Each time he sees her, the allergy appears to be reduced.  Today, it seemed to be eliminated.  I will soon make an appointment with the allergist to have the skin testing repeated - that will be the true test.  I'm very anxious to see if it comes up negative for a nut allergy.  He is still sensitive to Gluten and Wheat, so I will begin the home treatments using Wheat Gluten Flour I bought at Wegman's.

Who knows?  Maybe I can one day say goodbye to Gavin's dog allergy...

...and hello to another cute dog like Daisy!


  1. well I hear that golden doodles are supposed to be non-allergenic. If you try for could desensitize him and try with a doodle.

  2. I am sensitive to gluten.Do you recive the Living Without magezine?


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