Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Little Overdue...

I've been in a bit of a slump.  Have you noticed?  Lately, the mere thought of writing my journal entry causes me to freeze.  I feel like I have SO much to write...but NOTHING to say.  And I know that doesn't make sense...but it does to me.

So I thought I would give you an update on the boys - a general one - that is a little bit overdue.

Brian is doing so well in school!  He still gets group speech once a week with Miss Maggie who, I am happy to share is having her first baby!!!  We can't wait for the big day so we can find out (along with Maggie!) if she's been carrying a boy or a girl!  Brian talks about Miss Maggie's baby often, which is so sweet.  He even told Maggie that she should be a witch and her baby should be a pumpkin for Halloween.  (I'm sure that was not personal, Maggie!!!!!)
Brian's class is in a Scholastic Books reading contest - the Dogs vs the Cats.  We are on the Dog Team!  The goal is to read 20 minutes a day and log it on a website.  It tabulates our reading time...the class's reading time...and the school district's reading time.  We are all over this contest!!  Brian and I have already logged in 370 minutes since September 26th!  Scholastic is donating a million books to less fortunate kids during this challenge, which is great.  Not that we need incentive to read around here...we love our books in this house!
Brian has also been changing a lot.  We went through a little phase where he was acting out a lot - testing his boundaries and doing a lot of whining.  That is down to the bare minimum now.  It has been replaced with the typical tears when he has to stop an activity.  The other night he cried himself to sleep for not getting cookies for dessert.  He's also going through a "Gavin touched me!!" or "No, Gavin - this is mine.  That's yours" phase.  It's so small to me - these phases.  I just don't get upset about them.  I've said it before - I am fascinated by his normal psychological development.  And I'm very grateful for it, too.  He is such a sweet boy - and thinks so much about everything.  He is full of compliments (Mommy, I love your shirt today!  Daddy, I love your hair!) and pleases and thank yous and he has been very laid back in general when asked to do things.  "Brian, it's time to eat lunch."  "Oh, all right Mom."
But my favorite new thing?  His pretend play.  If I leave him to play alone, I can't help but eavesdrop on his pretend conversations.  They are typically re-enactments of things he's experienced.  Like, in this video which I recorded secretly.  He re-enacted telling Gavin which side of the car his seat was on.  "No, that's my side"  "Oh, okay."  Even throwing in, "Thanks."  "Oh, you're welcome."  
Watch him in action...
I love this little boy so much.

Now, Gavin.  He is blowing everyone away - at school and at home.  The clapping continues and it's his favorite thing to do at the moment!  Thinking I'd never see him do that, it never gets old for me.  I love getting reports from school about his participation in the activities.  I've heard that he does a great job during circle time saying "hello" to the class.  When it is his turn, they show him his picture (which he gets a kick out of, apparently!) and ask him to push a button that says "Hello!"  He does this consistently!

He's also doing such a great job with his walker.  It's not uncommon for people to see him cruising up and down the halls of the school.  He's getting MUCH better with steering - getting himself unstuck and steering left and right.  The other day when he was walking around the house I had him stop for a break - a strawberry pediasure shake (his new obsession!).  I lowered the attached seat on the walker and he sat for a little bit...
...but not for long!  You can't keep this boy down these days!
He held the straw in his teeth.  Like a rock star.  That's what I call multi-tasking.
This morning I took the boys to my Mom's house for a visit and to have lunch with her.  Gavin and Brian love going there (as do I!).  Gavin loves to explore every inch of every room...and Brian loves everything - especially Granny.  And especially Granny's basement!!

When I got home, Ed and I split up to get a few things done.  Important things.  I made a random return just so I could cruise around a store and look at fun toys with Gavin.  I always enjoy watching him flirt with people - and be flirted with in public.  He's so irresistible!!  Ed took Brian out to buy him a sponge.  Not just ANY sponge.  His OWN sponge.  Brian helped Ed wash his car once - and it was something he has talked about since.  He asks me at least once a day to "play" with Ed's giant yellow sponge and I hated saying no!!  So today was the big day.  Brian has not one...but TWO sponges.  They had so much fun.

It's the little things around our house.  Today...and every day.

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