Wednesday, January 2, 2013


We said goodbye to Miss Sara (for the holidays!) exactly two weeks ago today.  I was never so happy to see her smiling face when she walked in this morning!!  I missed laughing with her - chatting with her - and, let's face it, I missed going to the bathroom in peace.

The boys were thrilled to see her.
Gavin, especially, was happy to have his buddy back. 
The dynamic duo headed off to school - and I drove Brian to his school - and promptly realized that I forgot to bring his winter coat.  He only had the light fleece he wears when he's strapped in his car seat.  I felt like Mommy of the Year, for sure.  But when I apologized to Brian he sweetly said, "That's okay, Mom.  I understand."

After a long, long holiday break - I found myself alone in the house.  Ed was back to work, the boys in school - I wasn't sure what to do first.  I contemplated just laying on the couch and watching TV all morning... but I was afraid I'd fall asleep and not wake up, to be honest.  So I did something quite shocking.  At least for me.  I put Christmas away.  I consider January to be unbearably early to put Christmas away - but it felt right this year.  I can't explain why.  Well, I could... but I'd bore you.  What's that?  You're already bored?  Okay, let's move on.

This afternoon Gavin had a home visit from Orthologix!  It's an awesome company that makes house calls for all of your orthotic needs.  Kevin has been coming to our house since Gavin was very little and seems to remember every detail about our family, which is cool.  Last time he was here, I was pregnant with Darcy.  Also last time - I chose farm animals for Gavin's "Sure Steps" orthotics because his favorite song at the time was "Old McDonald Had a Farm."

Gavin was so good as Kevin casted him and took measurements for his new Sure Steps.
This time, I chose Superman for the design on the plastic - and blue velcro straps to remember our other Superhero, Pop.  Kevin should be back with them in two weeks.
Brian and Sara occupied themselves at the art table while Kevin was here.  Actually, Brian showed Sara all of his new Christmas presents all throughout the day!  I know he missed playing with her.
After lunch with Brian, while I was taking the tree down and Sara and Gavin were still at school - Brian decided to make Sara a card.  I listened to him as he talked to what I guess was an "imaginary friend" and the conversation went like this...

"I'm making a card for Miss Sara," Brian said.
"Oh, she'll like that."
"Yeah, I know.  I missed her a lot."
"She's really nice."
"Yes and she loves me.  And I love her." he finished.

We're so happy to all be reunited.  Now we get back to normal life.  My to do list is a mile long with thank you notes, hospital phone calls for Gavin, Kindergarten registration for Gavin coming up, paperwork - the party is definitely over.

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes for a wonderful 2013 for you and your family!



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