Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Just Between Friends Jackpot!...

For several years, I have been involved in a huge consignment sale twice a year called "Just Between Friends."  Every Spring and every Fall I buy and sell the boys things.  Toys, clothes - you name it.  The sale has come to mean a lot to me - and so have the two ladies who run it, Tracy and Beth.  It was at their very first sale that I bought a baby walker for Gavin - who was then about two years old.  I was hoping it would encourage him to try to move himself while being supported in an upright position... and it did!  From that moment on, I was hooked on JBF.  I was always on a mission to keep Gavin entertained and moving about the house - and stimulated.  I would rotate the toys in the playroom often to keep his interest - and then I'd rearrange often so he'd have to seek and find his favorite toys.  This consignment sale allowed me to buy a lot for Gavin - at really low prices.

I also made a lot of money selling things, too, and had been squirreling much of it away... little by little... thinking I would use it towards whatever big "special needs" purchase we'd make next for Gavin.  Instead, I have put that $600 I've kept in my jewelry box towards Gavin's Birthday Project.

This year, for this Fall sale, things were different.  I'm not selling very much - it's too difficult right now to part with Gavin's clothes.  And many of his favorite toys I've already cleaned up, covered in plastic and stored in the basement.  I know it will warm our hearts to see his little sister enjoy the same toys that he loved.  

I wasn't selling very much this time around... but I was on a mission to buy a lot!  At the JBF sales, the more you volunteer - the earlier you can get in to shop - and the more money you make on your sales.  I volunteer to bring food that is specified by the women that run the sale.  Four large pizzas and paper products and drinks for ten people.  I was lucky last year and this year to partner with my local Wegmans in King of Prussia, who graciously donated the food for me!  A big thank you to Tim, the service manager in the store, for helping me this year.  I feel like JBF is such a wonderful community event - allowing families to get the things they need for their children at very low prices.  And I feel the same way about Wegmans as they are so supportive of their local community and their shoppers.  Gavin and I met Kevin Lang, the general manager at the King of Prussia store, last year and he is really the kindest guy.

Today was the day I could get in to shop - I was probably the sixth person in there!  Miss Sara came along with me this morning to help me, which was fun and... to be honest... comforting.  I am so used to gravitating to things for Gavin and many times I choked back tears when I would see things that I would have absolutely bought for him.  But, there were also joyful moments - when I found the things I wanted for Hope.  I went in with a game plan and a map and Sara and I scooped up everything on my list.

Want to check out my bargains?? 

I loved Playtex Drop In Systems when Gavin and Brian were infants.  I exclusively pumped with Gavin so he always used bottles (if he wasn't on the feeding tube) - and I sometimes pumped and used bottles for Brian.  Just in case I pump for Hope, I got ALL of these boxes of (new in the box) Drop In liners, bottles, brand new nipples and also the box of assorted Vent Aire bottles.  Price for all of them?  $25.00  The Vent Aire starter set alone retails for $25.00!
A brand new in the box car seat base.  We needed an extra for Ed's car.  This base retails for $54.99 and I bought it for $25.00.  And I got car mirrors (so we can see Hope in her car seat from our rear view mirror) for $3.00 and $4.00.  They retail for $9.00.
I'm always a little leery to buy used DVDs as I've brought some home to find that they skip.  But I couldn't resist this brand new, sealed, box set of Baby Einstein DVDs.  All for $20.00.  Gavin LOVED these DVDs... especially "Baby Van Gogh" and "On the Go."
I picked out this brand new photo album for the many, many ultrasound photos I have of Hope for $3.00
My FAVORITE score - and something I was REALLY hoping to find - was this car seat swing.  You take the car seat and snap it onto this frame.  It swings and vibrates and plays music!  Brian LOVED this swing - and it's great to not have to wake a sleeping baby in their carseat once you get home!  This retails for $79.99.  I bought it for $13.00!!
Someone was selling a brand new box of Pampers Swaddlers (the only diapers we've used on the babies).  It retails for about $30.00 and I bought it for $15.00.  I also got a box of 3 Diaper Genie refills, which retails for about $25.00, for $10.00. 
I had reflux babies that liked to sleep on an incline, so I knew I wanted to have this wedge again.  I bought it for only $5.00, new in the box!  It retails for about $15.00.
I love these little "Bumbo Seats" - which sell for about $45.00.  I bought this (with the safety harnesses!) for $10.00.
I also stocked up on nursing pads - getting 180 new in the box pads plus 60 breast milk storage bags for $10.00.  The 180 nursing pads alone cost approximately $25.00.  I also got new in the box Thera Shells for $3.00.  They retail for about $17.00.  You use them for sore... oh, I'll spare you.  You can google them.  And the cute, pink dishwasher basket?  Fifty cents!
I also got some outfits for Hope... soccer balls and a toy for Brian's school... some awesome "in the package" Star Wars figures for Brian along with some other cool toys.  The only thing I didn't find that I was hoping to was a skeleton costume for Brian.  He's sure (Lord knows why!) he wants to be a skeleton for Halloween.  But all in all - I'd call the shopping trip a success.  It was a long day - but it's making me feel more "ready" for Hope... and more excited, as if that's possible.

If you live in my area, the sale is open to the public tomorrow!!  Click HERE for the details - or visit the JBF Facebook Page and meet my friends, Tracy and Beth.

And now... this bargain hunter must rest.


  1. I LOVE JBF!!! I go to the Reading sale every year (also run by Beth & Tracy), they are actually how I found your blog! Glad you had such a good experience today. I saw pictures of the sale and WOW, it's more than I've ever seen at a JBF sale!

  2. AWESOME!!! As a family that THOUGHT we were 'one and done' and had given away all our baby stuff when the dr told us that we probably weren't going to have another child, I know how hard it can be to start ALL over with the baby items. We had many, many friends give us all kinds of things... even the same pink Bumbo seat (and we bought the new Drop In bottles since DD1's were from 6 years ago)... Hooray!!! So exciting, isn't it?!?

  3. You are the bargain hunting queen! Check Ebay for that skeleton costume...I'm sure lots of people are posting costumes right about now, and I'll bet you can get a good deal! Blessings!

  4. What a great sale! I started consigning there about 2 years ago and was shopping today as well. Looks like you got some really fantastic deals! I didn't buy as much this time b/c I'm trying to "clean house" for an upcoming move, but I did have 8 bins at drop off! Enjoy your finds!

  5. What a wonderful shopping trip for you and Miss Sara. Just a word of warning (it's my personal soapbox) about the disposable nursing pads. I can't remember which brand it was, but one box didn't have strips that you peel off the adhesive, so I was very unaware, when I started a new box and the nursing pad had a very thin (slippery) film of plastic over the adhesive. As I sweated, it peeled off and stuck to me. Then when I nursed my son, he sucked it in his mouth, (as it was on the underside where I couldn't see it). I was horrified to pull out this piece of plastic out his mouth when he choked. He was fine, and I continued to use them knowing to look for the plastic film to remove, and then eventually changed to cloth pads. My son is 5, so that's how long ago it was. Sorry for the long comment, I just needed to get that warning out... off my soapbox now :) Thanks for sharing your shopping adventure!!

  6. I LOVE kids consignments sales and get just as excited as you are about my finds! For any South Jersey readers there's a similar sale coming up in November called Just4Kids Consignment. Glad you had a fun day with Miss Sarah!

  7. WoW,I have been hearing about a JBF sale in our area for days. It is today. I did not realize that it was something our places had, as in the same name. My kids are way past these sales, two married, one engaged but I am an avid garage saler and LOVE bargains! (too much probably)

  8. If you're feeling creative... When I was a kid my mom made me a skeleton costume. She bought me a black leotard and tights (long sleeve shirt and pants for Brian) and made 'bones' from a rainbow array of those neon runners adhesive reflector strips. It was inexpensive, creative, and unique!

    Of course every time I feel creative and spend hours crafting a costume, my kids end up pulling something out of their dress up bin (Cinderella, Belle, etc.) for trick or treating...

  9. It was so good to see you and meet Sarah!

  10. Everyone loves JBF and I never find anything, I keep trying but I guess i just do not luck out! But I am dirt cheap when it comes to consignment sales. I love the church or school consignment sales, especially the ones that have half off times. Last weeekend I found pants for 50 cents each and several other things for $2 or less for my girls. I think once you find a sale that works for you, you keep going back!


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