Wednesday, September 10, 2014

There's No One Like Brian...

This morning was Brian's first time taking the bus to school and he was very excited.  We were told to be ready 5-10 minutes early, just in case, and we were.  With Hope sleeping upstairs, Brian and I walked to the top of the driveway and anxiously waited for the bus to round the corner.

We waited... and waited.

The first week or so is always an adjustment so I really didn't expect for the bus to arrive early.  And, quite honestly, I was happy to spend the extra time staring at my happy student.  He was so excited to hear about my time in his school last night.  I attended "Back to School Night" and got to visit his classroom and hear a presentation from his teacher about what to expect this year.
I was thrilled to see Brian's first project - an "About Me" page that he created!  We were asked to send in pictures of his favorite things, places, family, vacation, favorite books and food... etc.  Brian chose the photos and I had them shrunk into wallet size - and then we found pictures online of his favorite book (The Encyclopedia.  Before you get too impressed thinking how fancy he is - it's the Star Wars Encyclopedia) and his favorite food (cheese pizza) and his favorite thing to play with (Legos).  It was fun for me to see what he chose to represent himself!
I took a picture of his name so I can look back at it at the end of the school year.  If he inherits either of his parents handwriting genes - it likely won't improve very much.
We all got to sit in our children's seats, which was a lot of fun!  But not so fun when my old self had to get out of the teeny tiny doll house like chair.  The teacher left papers out for us so we could write our child a note that they would see when they came in this morning, which I thought was such a loving idea.  Right up my alley.  Of course... I wrote a book.  I can't help it.  

So as we stood there in the driveway this morning, I found myself willing the bus to delay.  I love our little conversations.  I love when I compliment him or when I get excited (even if it's faked when he's rambling about storm troopers or the millenium falcon) and his eyes light up.  I love showing him that he's so, very important to me.  Because he is.  The night before the first day of school, Brian and I drove to the parking lot of the school to take his "fake first day" pictures.  We ended up parking ourselves on the curb near the hopscotch and talked and talked and snapped some selfies.  

He played two footed Hopscotch...

...and even let me interview him on camera!

I'm sure it gets old when I blather on and on about how wonderful my children are.  But honestly... Brian is so special.  This little boy has been through so much in his short life... including being there on the day his brother's heart stopped beating.  He has shown a strength and a resilience that is so impressive.  And through it all, he's never shown resentment or even jealousy of Gavin and now Hope.  He's kind and compassionate... and always polite and respectful.  I said to him one day when we were out in public and witnessing an exasperated Mom holler at her son, "You know, Brian - I've never had to "yell" at you."  His response?  "I know.  That's because I'm a good boy!"

That he is.

For the last couple days, Hope and I eagerly await Brian on the driveway.  We can't wait for him to come home.  He has been having so much fun and adjusting so well to the full day with all of his friends - old and new.  

It's hard to say goodbye in the morning... but when that bus rounds the corner and he runs to me...

...there's nothing like being Brian's Mommy. 


  1. And a good mommy you are! I can tell that Brian is a special, special little boy. Because he has careful and special parents like you and Ed. That is not an accident.
    Happy First week of school Brian (and mommy!)

  2. What a great kid. Kate, how do you introduce the topic of Gavin to Brian's teachers? Sorry if that's prying, but I'm interested as to how you deal with the subject.


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