Sunday, August 30, 2015

Twenty One...

Today, we celebrate 21 months of cool.
Our sweet little princess Hope is inching closer and closer to two years old. We can't even believe how the time with her has flown. This month has been so, so much fun. Exhausting, but fun!! Hope is such a sweet little girl. She is filled with love for her family and is always wanting to hug and kiss us.
She's also very curious and wants to try everything. I mean EVERYTHING. She's fearless and daring and does more at 21 months than we ever expected. Her knees are constantly scraped from falling or climbing or riding her little bike or kneeling on the ground. When she does fall outside, she stands up - stares at her hands - rubs them on her clothes - and then moves on. I've never seen anything like it - at least not anything that has come out of me!! Ha! She is tough!
I am amazed at how independent Hope wants to be. She tries to put her shoes on, she wants to feed herself with utensils, brush her hair, brush her teeth... it has really made me examine how I've been parenting my children, to be honest. I know it sounds dramatic, but it's true.
Gavin was dependent on us to feed him and dress him and, well, really help him with most everything. When Brian came along, I stayed in that mode and probably did (and still do!) too much for him. I expected to be the same kind of Mom for Hope - but she won't let me! It has forced me to examine if I do things to hold my children back... not in a malicious or selfish way, of course. Hope has helped me realize that I... gulp... do. 
So I have stepped back a little, let them get dirty, calmed my nerves when they were taking a chance and trying something new... and let them do things for themselves instead of instantly jumping in to do it for them. I feel grateful every single day that Hope was sent to our family - that I was chosen to be her Mom. But now I feel especially lucky that she has helped me grow as a Mother.
She has been trying to talk a lot lately and has a lot of words including little sentences like "Hi Bian" "Love you" "Night night" "More, please!" and "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" which is just about the highest pitched scream (usually in public) that calls dogs from miles away and trips off car alarms in a 5 mile radius. She is tiny, but she is fierce.
And she is hilarious. It's not always hilarious when she screams to hear her own voice and get people to look at her in public - but I'm trying my best to not acknowledge that behavior. Part of me wants to laugh - sometimes I want to cry - and every so often I'll say "HOPI" in a stern voice which prompts her to... MOCK ME! She'll growl right back at me! (Admittedly, THAT is pretty hilarious.)
I really enjoy watching Hope play. She loves to pretend, which is a lot of fun. She'll feed her dolls or burp her bunny or pretend she's a monkey - it's adorable!
Tomorrow morning, Hope and I will wave goodbye to Brian as he starts First Grade. She will miss him terribly!
But I am looking forward to this time with her.
Brian won't be the only one in school this year. I am so excited to learn more from this child who has already taught me so much.
Happy 21 months, Hope Margaret!!
We love you so much.


  1. Enjoy these days with Hope and Brian. Before you know it you will be an empty nester. I shipped my dd off Friday night on a red-eye from SLC to Boston as she starts her sophomore year at Harvard.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous!
    And love her independence

  3. Hopi is just so adorable, just like her brothers, I love how independent she is, although I can't believe she's nearly 2! When did that happen lol


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