Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Puddle Jumping at JBF!!...

I get so excited this time of year when it's time for my favorite consignment sale!! Just Between Friends! If you've been reading even for just the last year, you probably know that I'm rather obsessed with it. I sell - I shop - I make money selling things - I give it back buying things - and the Spring sale is a marker to me that SUMMER IS NEAR!!!!!! Thank God that Summer is near.

Thanks to Ed, I was able to escape the sick ward of our home and sneak over to shop for a little while. I did so, so well. Want to get an idea of how much I love this sale? No one asked me or is paying me or suggested that I write these blog posts. I just love sharing the great bargains (and adorable things). I'm always telling people - even strangers - about the sale near me. It's like a family there. I've been shopping this particular sale since Gavin was a toddler. One of the very first things I purchased was a baby walker for him, hoping it would encourage him to start taking steps. It worked... and he did!! I've been hooked ever since.

Anyway, here are just some of the steals I picked up. 

I couldn't resist getting Hope some dresses - I love her in dresses and thought these were exceptionally cute. Especially the Hanna Andersson on the far left and the Ralph Lauren navy and white at the top. All of these dresses were $20.00. All - as in... all! Crazy, right?
After laying these clothes (that didn't come together like you see) out in little outfits, I can assure you that Hope is already WAY more stylish than her Mommy. And probably always will be. One thing I really love about this sale is finding unique clothes that I would have to shop and shop in all different stores to find... something I don't have the time or the patience for. Hope is going to look so adorable this Spring and Summer! All you see pictured here cost me $50.00. That's like paying $3.00 per item. You seriously can not beat that.
I love looking for shoes at the sale. Many of them are brand new, never worn which is a bonus! Especially when you get up to Brian's age when kids are much harder on their shoes. Here are the shoes I got for him. I spent $20.00 total for all. Only one pair looked slightly worn!

Brian didn't need a lot of clothes this season as he still fits in a lot from last year, but I couldn't resist these things. Ralph Lauren, Nautica, Gap - lots of great brands and two were brand new, with tags. All for $27.00. That's like paying a little over $5.00 per piece! Not bad, eh?
I loved shoe shopping for Hope. She really just needed fun, summery shoes. Three of these pairs were brand new. The whole lot was $20.00.
Hope will be thrilled to ride this bike in the driveway. It barely looked used a day! I stole it for $10.00.
One of my favorite finds were these rain boots. (Hope's ladybug boots came with a matching umbrella!) Brian and Hope LOVE LOVE LOVE to play in water. (Sound familiar? Gavin's favorite thing in life was to play in, near, with water) Last Summer I would fill up a bucket in the driveway and it would entertain the two of them for a couple hours. So I was on a mission to buy them rain boots and I found them right away! Brian's fireman boots were $4.00 - and Hope's ladybug boot and umbrella combo was $10.00. Well worth it already. I knew they would be excited. Brian told me he can't wait to jump in puddles after the next rain. When I told him that I bought those "puddle jumpers" specifically so they could jump in puddles and go crazy he laughed and said, "Seriously?" Umm.... seriously. Is that weird? Ha!

And Hope? Well - she didn't take them off all day. I'm fairly confident she would have slept with them on if I had let her. (I'm so mean)
(p.s. - Hope is feeling much better! But she still only ate one cookie out of that container so she's still not 100% - obviously. Ha!)

If you live in my area (outside of Philadelphia/Main Line Area) - you can come to the sale!! Here are all the details:

The sale opens to the public tomorrow, March 17th at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, PA in Hall C.
Thursday and Friday they are open from 9am-8pm.
Saturday the hours are 8am-5pm.
Sunday is half price day where many of the items are marked half off. Those hours are 8am-3pm.
You can head to the website HERE for more information and directions.

Happy Shopping! Maybe I'll see you there!


  1. We have mom2mom sales in Michigan and I very rarely spend more than $2 on any item of clothing. I love shopping at those sales. My kids drawers are overflowing.(its an addiction) I have no clue why they have not spread to more than Michigan and surrounding states

  2. I love Hanna Anderson cloths! I wish they made a 170 or more size though but they did refit their sizes I think, so that's good. Those are some very good deals we don't have anything like that in Boston as far as I know!


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