Monday, October 18, 2021

Down on the Farm

Hey! You came back! I'm so excited! I hope I don't bore you.

I'm kind of shocked that Fall weather is here and we're almost through our second month of virtual school at PALCS. The kids have settled in well. Brian is enjoying his classes and what they're covering so far. The middle school teachers he has are constantly communicating with each of the kids with feedback or encouragement which makes it all feel more personal. He's thrilled that his first "virtual" field trip  is a live African safari! I believe they will resume "in person" field trips after COVID is tamped down enough. We are more than happy to be patient for that.

Hope is also enjoying her new "life of leisure." When she isn't in a live zoom for math, reading, music, art or gym we are learning about social studies or economics, practicing spelling and vocabulary words, and taking play breaks, bunny breaks, snack breaks, doggy breaks, gymnastics breaks, ipad breaks... you get the idea. We get it all done!

One of my favorite things so far about our new virtual school is the flexibility it offers. Last week we worked ahead so we could take a random day off. The kids and I spent a fun, sunny day at Cherry Crest Farm in Ronks, PA. We had been there for a school field trip a couple years ago, but there were so many things we still wanted to do and vowed we would go back one day.
 We were very tempted to sit in these swings longer than normal people would. I mean, I can get behind this kind of school day!!

I decided that each month will have an educational theme - or something we can do together. This month is dedicated to farms and animals, hence this field trip. Whether we visit places or watch something or read up on a subject - it will be fun to discover things together. Like these ducks Hope and I discovered. We couldn't stop laughing at them - in the nicest way, of course. They are crested ducks and look like they have toupees on their little ducky heads! We also learned a little bit about bee keeping which we really want to learn more about. Watching a colony of bees in a honeycomb is mesmerizing.

Apple shooting at targets was hilarious fun! They got to shoot targets with paintballs, too

Brian and Hope worked together to walk this round bale racer back and forth.

The three of us went down the giant slide together with me filming. Can I get credit for not dropping my phone?!?

Brian was thrilled to share his knowledge of gems and minerals with Hope as they both did the mining experience.

And he was kind enough to label all of Hope's "precious gems" when they got home. He was excited that she now had her first collection!

I'm collecting the questions that came in about our new school and all that goes with that life and I'll answer them in a future post. I am always happy to share - and equally happy to hear from you what ideas you have or things you may have done with your own family. Next month's theme will be History so I am open to all suggestions for fun field trips or learning experiences! 


  1. Go to Gettysburg for a field trip!

  2. Check out The Bartlett Bee Whisperer on Facebook. He's located in Tn. and removes bees from anywhere they shouldn't be living! He post great pictures of the removals and explains how and why. He does an infrared photo thing to better identify the bees' location which are usually beautiful. It's another resource to check out!

  3. I think you would enjoy the Wharton Esherick Museum in Malvern.


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