Thursday, November 17, 2011

Just That Quickly...'s over.

I just got the call from the fertility doctor. My beta number went from 89 to an 82. They told me to stop all of my medications and come back on Tuesday for a repeat blood test. They need to follow my number down to zero to be sure the pregnancy is gone.

Needless to say, I'm crushed. Pissed. Devastated.

Needless to say I am boycotting fairy tales from now on. And, come to think of it, re-runs of the Ghost Whisperer, too.

And needless to say, I feel sad. I really believed that with all that was stacked against me over the last few weeks, that God wouldn't take this from me.

Needless to say, I was wrong.

Ed is taking me for a change of scenery for a couple days. I'm sorry to leave you again, but I won't be back until Sunday or Monday on this blog. I just want to be invisible, needless to say.



  1. I am so very sorry. I hope that the time away will help you to heal, even if its just a tiny bit.............

  2. You need to do what you feel is right for you. I am so sorry Kate.

  3. I'm so sorry Kate...I think we were all thinking this would be "the one". This hope was getting you through and I'm just so sorry. I know you are crushed right I will keep hoping FOR you - and when you are ready to hope again, I'll be there hoping WITH you.

  4. Oh no. I'm so sorry for your loss. :( No words of wisdom, just a hug. I'm still praying.


  5. Oh, Kate. I am just so sorry, shocked and very sad. Like you, I really thought this was it. It just seemed so perfect. Those fairy tales just totally suck sometimes, don't they? I haven't given up though. I'm still praying and holding on to hope that maybe when you least expect it, it'll happen. Wish I could give you a big hug right now. You and Ed go escape and we'll be here for you when you get back.

  6. I'm so sorry, I was really hoping that this would have a positive outcome for you after all you have been through lately.

  7. Kate. I'm sorry too. I am sorry for this crazy roller coaster you are forced to be on. I am glad, however, that you and Ed are getting away for a couple of days. You need and deserve that. xo

  8. So sorry for this loss and all the other losses you've experienced lately. I'll be thinking of you. Hope the getaway helped some.
    Lisa F.


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