Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Morning Walkathon...

Brian had another great drop off this morning at pre-school! He gave me a kiss goodbye and then - after prying his hand out of mine - he took Miss Laura's hand and walked away with her. He turned back to look at me and smile...and off he went. He was so happy to be there.

I came home to Gavin and Miss Sara playing...and we decided to put Gavin in his walker. Since making the changes to the walker, he has had much to get used to. It was slow going at first this morning...

...until we brought out the big guns. Miss Sara held up the DVD player with one of his favorite movies and that changed everything. Watch this...

This is truly the best walking he's ever done!! For the next half hour or so he was cruising all over the house.

I think the quiet house with Gavin as the one and only focus helps a great deal. He gets undivided attention...and we can concentrate!! (Nothing personal, Brian!)

When I got to school to pick Brian up, he came running down the hallway to hug me which totally made my day!! The report from his teachers was that he had a great time and was very good. He has been insisting on holding one of their hands when they go places, which I find very sweet! Each day they write in a communication book to share with me how he did...and then I can write notes back to them that they'll see the next day! I love that!! This is what they wrote about Brian's morning today...

For any reservations I might have had about sending Brian to school - they have been easily erased these past two days. To hear that he's listening and respectful and sweet - to see that he's happy and trying so hard to communicate that to me verbally - it all makes me so proud. It's almost making me think that Gavin should start school.


1 comment:

  1. YAY Gavin great job :) TY Sara for all that your doing p help Gavin.


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