Monday, December 10, 2012

Manic Monday...

My alarm clock rang early at 6:45.  Oh...right.  I forgot about these early wake ups.  I forgot that there's a whole world out there that doesn't stay in their pajamas all day and go a week (or two) without makeup or hair products.  I guess today was as good a day as any to dive back into reality.

We all waited out in the driveway for Gavin's bus.
Brian was very helpful.  I asked him to push Gavin's chair through all the puddles to clean off his wheels.  As you can imagine, he took that job very seriously... and had so much fun!
Before we knew it, it was time to wave goodbye to Gavin and Miss Sara!  The bus crew was happy to see Gavin again.
And I was happy to be back to our morning routine.
I ran a couple errands before I picked Brian up again - and before I could blink three times, it was time to get Gavin!  His school has cute little decorations outside for the holidays that Gavin got a kick out of.
As you can see by his clapping - he is impressed!
When we got home, I left Sara inside with the boys while I put our outside lights up.  All in all, it was a pretty good first day back.  Although I did forget Brian's backpack this morning.  And I was ready for Brian's IEP today - which is tomorrow.  Whoopsie.  Oh, and I was ten minutes early to pick up Gavin and Miss Sara.  Maybe a little manic for a Monday - but I got through it.

We ended the day putting ornaments on the Christmas tree.  I couldn't get Gavin to stay with us tonight!  Maybe he'll be more interested tomorrow.  Brian had a ball and was a huge help adding seventy two ornaments to one branch.  (That's when having a fake tree with strong wire branches comes in handy!  Take that, fake tree haters!!)
Each ornament he picked up he said, "This is beautiful!"
And he'd stand back and admire after he'd put an ornament on a branch and say, "This tree looks beautiful!"
And as I handed him one of my childhood ornaments and watched him gently place it on a branch, I stood back and admired him.

My beautiful son.

Yeah - this wasn't such a bad Monday after all.

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