Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Best Blog Entry You'll Read All Year...

Today was one of my favorite days this year.  Possibly ever.
If you remember back in October, Miss Wendy (Gavin's PT) and Miss Sara (Gavin's aide) came up with a great idea.  They decided to track Gavin's walking progress up and down the hallways at school until he reached 5K (3.1 miles!).  You can read about Miss Sara's heartwarming plan and the back story behind the chart she made HERE.

Well today was the big day.  Gavin was crossing the finish line.  Ed was able to get out of some meetings this morning... and I kept Brian home from school... and we surprised Gavin on his special day.  This was definitely something we'd celebrate as a family.
As Gavin made his final lap with Miss Wendy...
...children from the Kindergarten Center lined the hallways along with teachers, therapists and even the Principal!  Gavin's little brother, Brian, and his teacher, Miss Megan, held the finish line as everyone watched with anticipation.
It was hard to contain my emotion (as you'll see in the video quality!) as I watched my son walk through a crowd of his peers - all cheering for him and rooting him on.  Miss Wendy fittingly put Gavin's hand in Miss Sara's for the final stretch.

This moment was indescribable.
You could see the pride on his face as he broke the yellow "Finish Line."
And as Ed and I locked eyes, the five years leading up to this moment were the unspoken words between us.
We are so proud of our little superhero.
We're so grateful, too, that everyone went out of their way to make this a special day!  Gavin gets so much encouragement from his teacher, Miss Megan, and Miss Wendy.
And - there really are no words for our beloved Miss Sara who goes to school with him every day.
The walking in the hallway was wonderful.  And the accomplishment of completing the 5K was impressive.  But for me, the most moving part of today was seeing him walk among his peers so confidently.  They cheered for him and gave him the "thumbs up" and said "Good job, Gav" as he passed them.  I know he takes in every word - every smile - all the good energy.  It moved me.  

Unconditional acceptance.

We stuck around for a bit so Wendy could show off to Ed some of the things they've been working on in Physical Therapy.  Gavin's been working hard on trying to stand up from a little chair, trying to maintain his balance and then walk.  So far he's needed assistance with this.  But apparently, having Daddy there was all the motivation Gavin needed.  We couldn't believe our eyes.  I didn't even have time to focus before he took off!!
Didn't catch that?  Well, if you look through these photos slowly - it will be like a slow motion recap!

We are so proud of you, Gavin!!

This afternoon, after school, I took Gavin to one of his favorite places to celebrate.  "Arnolds Family Fun Center."   It was just the two of us and we had so much fun.

We rode the carousel three times...
And the crazy "Frog Hopper" three times.
Gavin was happy and likely thought it was his celebration.  But we all know... it was really mine.  I can't believe how lucky I am that this inspiring little boy is mine.  I have said it before and I'll say it forever.  Gavin and I were meant for each other... and he surely saved my life.

Parents Blog Award Finalist 


  1. Beautiful! Way to go Gavin! I'm in tears and haven't even watched the video yet! God bless all of you and his special teachers. High fives all around!


  2. Ditto to what Amy said! Im in my office praying one of my staff doesnt come in! What a wonderful day!

  3. Way to go Gavin & I too am trying to hold back the tears! What a beautiful blog post today! So many reasons to be thankful & so proud!

  4. AWESOME! Way to go Gavin! Thanks again for sharing your life with us! Your family is an inspiration to many!!! XO

    Your faithful reader,

  5. Amazing. I am crying. WTG Gavin you are one determined little boy surrounded by lot and lots of love.

  6. Congratulations on such a wonderful accomplishment Gavin. I am new to your blog and have really enjoyed following the last couple of weeks!


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