Saturday, January 25, 2014

Eight Weeks Looks Good On Her...

The last few days have been a little bit stressful.  Brian and I were hit with colds.  It's no big deal to have a cold... but when you're up through the night nursing an infant and then caring for a sick child and an infant all day long, it can be exhausting.  Yesterday, Brian took a turn for the worse.  How did I know?  He ASKED to take an afternoon "rest."
"Resting will help me get healthy, Mommy."

He developed a fever by late afternoon.  It's no big deal to have a fever... but when you had a son who spiked a fever which triggered a seizure which ended up killing him, you worry.  We checked on Brian through the night.  Thankfully, he woke up feeling much better today!  We spent the morning reading books and playing pirates.

We ate an early lunch before the three of us headed to see Dr. Trish.  I've been taking Brian and Hope for weekly appointments (we've been behind due to snow days and cancellations) - and I was excited to have her see them today.

Brian loves his Dr. Trish appointments.  He has fun playing with the toys in her office and he's always very cooperative when she works on him.
For those of you who don't know, Dr. Trish is a chiropractor - but she also does healing energy work.  When she treats you, you'd barely know she's touching you.  For Hope she also does gentle craniosacral work which has been proven to help with nursing, colic, digestive issues, etc.  Dr. Trish is also able to sense what you're feeling.  

Hope turns into a marshmallow when Dr. Trish is around.  She lies completely still - stares directly into her eyes - and often coos.  I can tell they will have an intense bond as she grows.  Just like Gavin did with Dr. Trish.
We stopped for a glazed donut from Dunkin Donuts on the way home - Brian's favorite treat - and enjoyed driving home in a light snowfall.

While Brian was watching a new movie with his Dad, I snuck up to Hope's nursery to take her eight week photos!  It's hard to believe she is eight weeks old today.  The quick photo shoot didn't turn out to be very quick.  Either she wanted to eat... or she fell asleep... or she was fussy. Hours later I realized I was missing the major ingredient.  Big brother.  I asked my assistant to come upstairs with me and after that, her mood changed!  Brian was too busy playing with his Daddy to sit for pictures - but I was grateful for his help in making his little sister happy!!

Happy Eight Weeks, Hope! 
We are so grateful for you and the many gifts you have already given our family.  You are a dream baby and we all love you so, very much.
Eight weeks looks good on you!


  1. She is so beautiful. I am so happy such a miracle could come put of all the tragedy you have suffered. I couldnt imagine a better name for such a sweet blessing.

  2. I didn't think it was possible, but gets more and more beautiful every week!

  3. What a beautiful baby girl!!! So happy Brian is feeling better, and happy for you because I know how worrisome his fever was for you. Hope is really growing, she looks so long now in these photos!

  4. I love that you take weekly photos - I wish I had thought of it for my 3! I love the growth comparisons. Hope is a wee doll. I can't wait to see if she gets your gorgeous curls :)

  5. 8 weeks looks gorgeous on her! She and Brian, and Gavin are beautiful! You must be so proud of your 3 wonderful children!

  6. Her face is changing so much! Beautiful pictures. Hopefully you and Brian will be feeling 100% better tomorrow.

  7. So beautiful!! I love that you take your kids to a Chiropractor - my husband is a Chiropractor and has adjusted our children since birth!!! Sounds like you found a GREAT one!


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