Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!...

It's New Year's Eve!  We spent the day exactly as we like to - together and low key.

Brian and I have had a tradition since he was three years old - a special movie date early on New Years Eve!  Hope and Daddy had some time to bond at home while the two of us went to the Movie Tavern to see the new Annie! 
I was sure to have Brian watch the original Annie movie at home ahead of time, which he loved.  He was really excited to be at the movies - although I'm not sure if he was more excited about the show or pushing a button to call a waiter for more food.  That is a big highlight, even for me!
We LOVED the movie.  A lot!!  And Brian loved getting to order a SECOND warm brownie.  The waiter was very impressed by my date's good manners, I'm proud to say!
A little later in the day, we headed to our local Pizzeria Uno.  Ed made reservations for us to attend their "kid friendly" New Year's Eve celebration.  It was adorable!  Brian got to make his own pizza, which was so much fun for him.
Brian really got into it - perhaps there's a future chef in the house (please, dear God?)!
Great idea, Daddy!!
Hope enjoyed herself, too - watching the boys, eating macaroni and cheese, people watching...
...and getting herself ready to ring in the New Year!
They had a craft for the kids to do and an ice cream sundae bar and then, at 4:00, a balloon drop!
We really whooped it up!
When we got home, Ed and I spent some time in front of the tree taking photos of each other with the kids.  Another New Year's Eve tradition.  I can't explain our traditions - but they make us happy!  Hope is already practicing her New Year's resolution - showing more personality in photos.  Boy, was she ON tonight!!
Can you stand it?!?
And our sweet Brian...
After we got the kids in their pajamas, that's when the real fun began.  I bought a fake sparkler and a fun machine that shows fireworks on the ceiling!  Brian loved the sparkler... 
...and was happily showing off his cool Ninja moves in the dark!
The fireworks were much cooler in person.  I'm just a bad fireworks photographer.

It has been quite a year and, as usual, we have a lot to be thankful for.  We're missing Gavin like crazy, but looking forward to another year of being the best parents we can be for Brian and Hope.  That is the most important way we choose to honor Gavin's life and respect his memory... by not screwing up his siblings.  I hope (and pray) that one day they will read these journals and see just how much we love them and how hard we try - as their parents, as a married couple and as human beings.  Our little family is all that matters, really.  And these two children keep the light on in our eyes.
Wishing you a year filled with people and moments and experiences that make YOUR eyes light up!

Thank you so much for caring about our family... and for remembering our Gavin.  It is still astounding to us that our little boy who never spoke a word STILL manages to speak to so many.

Happy New Year!


  1. Thanks for the post. A very Happy New Year to you all with lots of peace, happiness, health and blessing. I pray for God To comfort you when you miss Gavin the most and help you remember all the special memories of him.

  2. May 2015 be filled with unimaginable joy and peace!

  3. I love your traditions, I'm so jealous that you can order from your seats....I really wish we could have that here..I love the family friendly restaurant, lucky for me I married a chef so I get out of most cooking :).we do sparklers on New Years, but now the girls are so much older, they are real sparklers, even though they are 15&11 I still freak out and make sure they wear gloves and stay at a distance lol. Have a wonderful 2015 to all of you, from all of us :) <3


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