Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Nothing is Everything...

It feels like it's been a month since my last post!  We have been so busy doing the most important things.  I mean, literally - THE most important things in life.  A lot of nothing.  Which sometimes is everything.

I will admit, I'm over Winter and have a pretty severe case of cabin fever.  Last week we had our last big snowstorm of the season.  I'm just announcing that it was our last with no real scientific evidence or meteorological predictions.  I'm just that sick of snow.  And slush.  And ice.

But Brian has had a BLAST!  Last week he had two hour delays and days off because of snow which made for lots of time at home which made for a lot of FUN!  

We played 874 board games...
He did several science experiments...
The glasses, he told, me were not important for doing the experiment.  They were just to make him look cool.
We also did lots and lots of art projects.  One of Brian's favorite activities. 
And one night we did something we NEVER do - we went to the Mall to aimlessly walk around.  As it turns out, kids turn out in packs to do the same thing.  People watching is a fun Friday night activity at a Mall!  Ha!  Anyway, we ended up spending a lot of time in the Lego store which thrilled Brian.
Our big snowstorm brought us between 8-10 inches of snow.  Ed was out of town on business and, thankfully, was able to make it home when he heard how much we were getting!  He's much better at using the snowblower than I am.  I mean - he can turn the thing on and everything!!  It really was a beautiful storm - and with no cars on the road it was so quiet and peaceful.
It was a big moment for Hope - who hadn't spent much (if any!) time in the snow until then!  We packed on the layers and brought her outside.  She was intrigued... confused... and didn't quite know what to think.
 But it didn't take long for her to do what most children can't resist... pick up some snow and try to eat it!
She also loved watching Brian who was busy making snow angels.
He loved having Hope out there with him and was so sweet with her - as usual.
Hope really never left her spot!  She just hung out and looked around and laughed.
We went out again a few days later with Hope's new sled and Brian's new snow tube.  She was not real impressed...
But crazy Brian had a blast!!
And he had even more fun on our old wooden sled!
When it was time for Brian to go back to school, it was a tough goodbye for one little girl.
But her day got a whole lot better once he came off the bus and into her view!
It's so much fun being with Hope during the day.  I say that all the time!  She is constant motion and into everything and absorbing so much.  It's exhausting - but awesome!
We do a whole lot of nothing - but to her, it's everything.  Staring at each other and singing songs and dancing and chasing and she even enjoys playing "ball" now!
Hope had her 15 month well visit last week.  She weighed in at 22lbs, 15oz which is in the 50th percentile.  She is 32" tall which is in the 90th percentile... and like a true Leong child, her head is big.  We make big headed babies.  That seems right - I mean Ed and I have been told all our lives that we have big heads.  Oh wait - they meant something different, didn't they?
Hope and I had a lot of fun having a "Toga Party" while we waited for the pediatrician.  Her smile faded when he walked in the room, though.  Hope is going through a phase right now where she pretends she's a Stage 5 Clinger.  It will pass!  Everything does.  
I was invited to speak to a local MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers) tomorrow morning.  Once again, someone is spreading a nasty rumor that I am a public speaker!!!  Please keep this audience in your thoughts and prayers.  Ha ha!  I'll post my little talk in tomorrow's journal.


  1. Brian certainly looks cool in his glasses. The snow photos are lovely :)

  2. Again we've had no snow, nothing, nada, zilch. My girls are not impressed, although this time it was the whole of the UK, our weather people excitedly told us it was the warnest weather we've had all year, but since it's only March we won't bother getting the pool or BBQ out yet! Brian & Hope look as adorable as ever, although Hope doesn't look too impressed in her sled, she does look cute! Good luck with your speech tomorrow/today (not overly sure about time zones etc) supposedly the more you do it the easier it gets! xoxo

  3. I love MOPS! I belong to a group her in TN! Hope you make some new friends!


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