Thursday, April 12, 2012

This Is How I Do It...

If you're like me, you read a wonderful, funny and touching blog called "Love That Max". Recognize this cute little guy and his Mom?

The blog is written by Ellen Seidman, Max's Mom and a highly acclaimed writer. Ellen's someone I look up to as a Mom, a writer...and a friend.

When she asked me to write a guest post for her blog - part of a series called "This is How I Do It" - I was so honored!! This is my second guest post for her. The first one was about Gavin's nutrition regimen. So...I'm pretty much famous at this point. I'm considering charging for autographs from now on. I'll let you know. In the meantime, check out Ellen's blog and my guest post below! But I send you with a is inevitable that you, too, will Love That Max.


  1. I found your blog through your guest post. Thank you for sharing how you do it! As an occupational therapist, I love reading about the real-life experiences of families. It gives me a better understanding of what families are really going through. I look forward to following your family's adventures!

  2. I found your blog though this guest post nice to meet u and your family


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