Friday, April 20, 2012

Mr. Independent...

Brian has become "Mr. Independent" lately - everything is "Me!" or "Me do it!" and I love it.  Picking him up from school is such a joy.  I'm so grateful that I can pick him up and spend that time to and from school with just him.  It's only a ten minute drive, but it's so special. 

(excuse the quality of my *cell phone photos*!)

Every day when I pick him up he comes running - and I mean LOVE STORY RUNNING like he's bounding through a meadow - and leaps into my arms for a great giant hug and kiss.  (Getting the picture why I love picking him up?)  He climbs into the car on his own now...

It should be mentioned that he probably could have done this quite some time ago, but we all know I have a hard time letting go so they can grow.
Moving on....

The first thing he does is grab his nice cold milk out of the cup holder.  What can I say - he deserves to be spoiled, this child.

And then turns around and sits down in his seat so I can buckle him in.

I then present my little prince with his iPad so he can play games or read a book on the way home.  He really does neither...

We spend the drive "chatting" and pointing out school buses and birds and flags and trucks and fences and bridges and ducks in the water.  Brian's speech is improving so much, it's incredible.  Literally the day after Easter (which, ironically, he spent with LOTS of young cousins who were talking up a storm) he exploded with language.  He's now talking in short sentences and trying very hard to say words correctly.  I'm so proud of him.

And!!  Just the other day, when I took him for his haircut, he sat in the seat all by himself for the entire cut!  He's been sitting on my lap all his life for his monthly cuts!  (Again...he probably could have done this last year. Ha!)  

He was such a good boy...and awfully proud of himself as you can see!

Brian is such a special kid.  I think he is so smart...and so kind...and so funny.  I think big things are in store for my independent little man.  And I promise to not keep him from using his wings.

This morning after getting a little "dolled up" (yes, this is me looking "dolled up", I'm afraid), I headed over to my parent's house.  My Mom was taking me out to lunch at a very sentimental restaurant to celebrate my birthday and my Dad's birthday.  The William Penn Inn was my favorite restaurant growing up.  The trees outside were always lit up with white lights - year round - which I loved.  If there was a super-special occasion (like when I got the flight attendant job) my parents would take me there.  I really wanted my wedding to be there but I found out it just wasn't big enough for our huge family!  My parents would also go there often for special date nights.  And we hosted my father's funeral luncheon there just this past November.  

I know my Dad was with my Mom and I today.  I just know it.  I snapped this photo outside of the two of us...

I loved spending the day with my Mom.  We had a great lunch, great conversation...and then did a bunch of nothing.  It was BLISSFUL.  

And coming home to two happy boys who had such a fun day with Miss Sara made it even better.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear Brian is starting to talk. Do you think main streaming him would help with his speech? How many of the kids in his class have speech delays so he is not getting the communication skills he needs? Only reason I bring this up is you stated that his vocabulary has exploded since being around his cousins. Just a thought :)


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