Friday, August 3, 2012

No Turning Back...

This morning we met Gavin's new teacher, Miss Megan!

Gavin's service coordinator, Jessica (who has been amazing to us for the last two years!), arranged for us to have a private tour of his new classroom and meet with Megan.

I have to say - I was so, so impressed.  The classroom is huge - especially since there will only be five students in Gavin's class!  There's plenty of room for walkers and wheelchairs and toys and tables - it's very spacious.  Megan's still moving in, but it's already filled with lots of great toys and activity centers - an area for circle time and sensory activities - and plenty of windows which makes the room so bright and happy.  There's also a private little bathroom for the kids right in the classroom so they can work on toilet training!

Here's a photo tour for you...

Megan and Gavin hit it off right away!  One of the tell tale signs that you're "in" with Gavin is when he touches your face around your mouth.  It was so comforting to me to see him do that to Miss Megan. 

Even though I "corrected" him for swatting her face, I secretly was so happy that he expressed himself in his own way.  I could tell he liked her.  And so did I!  But I didn't swat her face, don't worry.  I figured that might have been awkward.

I saw many familiar toys around the room - and some things that Gavin recognized from his therapists.  Like these colored ribbons that Janna used for color recognition.

I'm hoping that I'll find toys around the house that I can donate to Gavin's classroom.  They are specifically looking for cause and effect toys.

Brian had a lot of fun exploring his big brother's new school!  He investigated every corner and every toy.  Jessica even sat with him and they did an art project with Dot markers - one of Brian's favorite things!

Gavin's first day will be Thursday, August 23rd.  Miss Sara is very excited to accompany Gavin as his aide and buddy - and so are we!  The school hours are from 8:55am - 3:25pm, which is a very long day.  Too long for Gavin, in my opinion!  I want to ease him into that long of a day.  It's perfectly acceptable to pick them up early, I was told, so I plan to do that probably right after lunch.

 We don't have the bus schedule yet - but hopefully it won't be too early of a pickup.  The school is exactly six minutes away by car!  All five students and their aides (if they need them) will be on the bus together. I spoke with the transportation company and they assured me that they have everything they need to tie Gavin's wheelchair down and strap him in properly.  And they'll pick him up right at the end of our driveway!  She also told me that we're all welcome to come visit the bus depot and get acquainted with Gavin's actual bus before the first day of school.  I think we may do that - it could be fun for the boys!

It's all getting very real.  As soon as we got home, Miss Janna and Miss Maggie arrived for Gavin's final IEP in my house.  All of Gavin's therapists wrote goals for him as he "graduates" into his new school...and one of them he already met just recently!  Feeding himself!  I'm really confident in my decisions to keep Gavin home until now - and send him to preschool this Fall.  This blog is going to be blowing up with entries about breakthroughs...and progress...and new friends.

There's no turning back now!

1 comment:

  1. I noticed the huge container of Lysol wipes next to the toy area. ALWAYS A GOOD SIGN!
    How exciting for both of you. I know it will be hard to let go. Stay strong and I can't wait to hear how the first day goes!

    Stephanie in Portland


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