Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Star of the Week...

Brian has really been enjoying being "Star of the Week" at school!  Today he came home bouncing off the walls happy.  I don't know what was said, but his friends were to give him compliments today.  You could tell his ego was pretty inflated this afternoon.  Tomorrow he gets to bring in TWO "Show and Tells!"  One has to begin with the letter of the week - D - so he chose to bring in his Doctor's Kit.  And the other toy he chose was his took kit with a very cool working drill.

This morning, Gavin woke up pretty miserable.  He has such a hard time with congestion due to his low tone, not being upright more and not being able to cough productively.  It sucks when he's sick.  But I noticed he became MORE agitated when he was on his back.  So off to the pediatrician we went. I was concerned about his ears.  Fortunately, everything checked out fine.  He's still home from school and, since tomorrow is the last day of the school week, he will skip tomorrow too.  I think by Monday he'll be back in shape with less boogies to share with his friends.  That's the last thing they need in class!

So while I buried myself in insurance papers and faxes and phone calls - Miss Sara and the boys took a walk to get some fresh air.  
Brian was such a nice brother to open and hand Gavin his milk for the ride. So sweet...
 I was able to accomplish much in the quiet house while they strolled around our neighborhood.
If I hadn't felt convinced that Gavin was having a rough day - the proof was his near two hour nap this afternoon.  Something that rarely happens!  Sleep equals healing, so I was happy to miss him.  Once he woke up, we had an early dinner and then the three of us were off to the hair salon.  It was time for the boys to get their monthly fresh cuts!!

Gavin went first, by Brian's request, and I don't have a single photo because he sits on my lap!  Here's the after pic so you can see how handsome he looks...
And our Star of the Week?  He is such a ham.  He loves the whole experience...especially checking himself out in the mirror!  (Do you blame him?)
 I don't know what it is, but I love keeping the boys hair short and neat.  It must be my family's military connection.  Or maybe I've been influenced by the Jersey Shore boys like Pauly D and Vinnie.
For a girl who thought she'd knew nothing about having boys, I'm now requesting a "Fade" at the hair salon.  I'm shocking myself.  Next thing you know, I'll be a hockey Mom.
Uh...yeah, that won't happen.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if you couldn't get a cough assist and a nebulizer maybe to help when Gavin is congested.

    Handsome that Brian smile!!!


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