Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Let's Stay Together...

Dear Ed,

Nine years ago today we were married.  That morning, I couldn't wait to see you.
I'm glad I still feel that way.

Remember when I told you - "I saw this dress in a magazine and I know it's the one.  I don't even have to try it on."  You drove me... in the snow... to the only shop around that carried it.  Then you handed me your credit card and said, "Go buy it.  I'll wait in the car."
The dress, just as I suspected, was perfect.  And knowing it was a gift from you made it even more special.

I remember our vows.  You said, "Thank you for choosing me, and for helping me be a better person with you than without."  And I said, "If I am to leave this world before you, I hope your eyes are the last thing I see... and your voice the last thing I ever hear."
I'm glad we both still feel that way.

I remember our first dance.  "Let's Stay Together" by Al Green.  
"Loving you whether times are good or bad or happy or sad..."
Who knew just how true that would have to be.  We've survived so much.  No one needs to see the list of tragedies in our wake.  Let's just keep dancing instead... and focusing on each other.  It's kind of all we've got at the moment.
I need my boys... and you need me.  
Let's stay together.
Happy Anniversary, Ed.
I love you.


  1. Happy Anniversary, Ed and Kate. Wishing you a day filled with love and peace. <3

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both! What a beautiful and love-filled post! May you have many (many, many) happy years together in the future! <3

  3. Happy Anniversary. May you have many more happy and healthy years together. From an admirer in New York

  4. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you pockets full of smiles and hugs today!

  5. Beautiful :) Happy Anniversary to you both x

  6. Happy Anniversary. What a sweet love story.

  7. What a wonderful letter and a lovely tribute to the love that shines in all you write. May each day be filled with more and more love as you celebrate many years of health and happiness.

  8. Congrats on 9 years! I recently started following your blog. Your love for each other is inspiring. Your honesty is refreshing. All that you've been through is so difficult. I have cried reading your blog. I hope that today more than ever you and Ed can feel peace in each others arms.

  9. Beautifully said. Happy Anniversary! Incidentally, I married my husband 9 years ago today, too. It was a good day! :)

  10. Ann Dillon TannousMay 22, 2013 at 5:45 PM

    Happy or sad, you always make me cry! That is beautiful!
    Happy Anniversary, Ed and Kate!

  11. Oh my goodness, so beautiful! Happy Anniversary to you both! I wish you lots of happy and fulfilling years to come -- you both SO deserve it!

  12. Happy Anniversary Ed & Kate!!! The story of u both is beautiful & amazing! I believe fate brought u two together & together u both can get through anything! Stay strong & here's to 50 more years (toasting u both with my cup of iced tea since my daughter likes to drink out of my cup all the time). Congratulations & have a wonderful evening!

  13. Happy Anniversary! This was a sweet posting. I am glad you have someone who loves you so much and is right by your side to help you through the pain, as you are both in pain together. I hope you had a wonderful day filled with happiness, despite all the sadness.

  14. Happy Anniversary. You are truly inspirational.

  15. I don't know what it is about your posts but they seem to always make me cry. so glad today they are happy tears. happy anniversary to a beautiful couple.

  16. Happy Anniversary!! You make a beautiful couple! Every couple should be so well suited for each other and in love. I hope your day was wonderful. You and your beautiful family are in my prayers.

  17. awwwwwww!
    you 2 have something so special that a lot of people never get to experience! real love is so inspirational!
    gorgeous pictures too!

  18. Awww! You guys got married on my thirtieth birthday! One of my happiest - excellent choice! I wish us both many years of returns, good or bad, happy or sad!

  19. Hoping you had a wonderful anniversary!! And that there are many more happy ones to follow!!!

  20. Happy Anniversary Kate and Ed. My prayers continue to be with you guys.

  21. That is lovely... thanks for reminding us all of the importance of marriage and the importance of seeking not for perfection but for love in the imperfection... that makes us perfectly human.

  22. a day late, but Happy Anniversary nonetheless. I tried to comment yesterday from my iPad but for some reason that never seems to work. Anyway, what I said was this: Your love is amazing, and even more amazing is that you both seem to truly realize how precious it is. what a shining example you are for all of us who "know" you...I am reminded of this passage from a book I read while in college:

    "When a woman makes the choice to marry, to have children; in one way her life begins but in another way it stops. You build a life of details. You become a mother, a wife and you stop and stay steady so that your children can move. And when they leave they take your life of details with them. And then you're expected move again only you don't remember what moves you because no-one has asked in so long. Not even yourself. You never in your life think that love like this can happen to you.

    I want to keep it forever. I want to love you the way I do now the rest of my life."

  23. Happy anniversary Kate and Ed. You two deserve a nice evening out on the town together!

  24. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary yesterday as well. May 22nd is a very good date. Congrats on 9 years!

  25. Belated Happy Anniversary. Beautiful letter.

  26. Happy belated anniversary! :)
    What a beautiful tribute to your your marriage...

  27. Happy Anniversary! Hope you treasure the love you found in each other for the next 90 years.


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