Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank You, Readers!!...

I am so, so happy to share an update with all of you on what's been happening because of Gavin's Trust Project.  Because of you - and your $5.00, $25.00, $100.00 and even $1,000 donations - so many children, teachers and families have been helped.  I know how grateful we were when we were lent different equipment and toys to trial with Gavin.  And we were fortunate to be able to purchase many things on our own.  But, as you know, this is not always possible for families.  And special education teachers and therapists shouldn't have to beg, borrow and duct tape to get what they need for their "kids."  Every donation, big or small, from you - and even some of the companies you work for - has made a HUGE difference.  Here is an email I received from Deb Hiller from the Chester County Intermediate Unit.  She is in charge of the purchases made with the Trust Project money and was able to open and "furnish" (in more ways than one!) several classrooms in our area.  In our time of grief after losing Gavin, this project has meant so much to us.  As Gavin's Mommy, my personal motto was that I aimed to make "the impossible... possible" for my little boy.  To feel like we're continuing to make seemingly impossible things possible for kids like him brings us much comfort.
Thank you.

Oh my have we been busy and so happy. Gavin's Trust has helped provide toys and switches to 4 different classes for students with physical and learning needs. We could not include the faces of the students, but they are from a variety of classes and students. Please see the attached pictures that include students utilizing voice output communicators to participate in school activities including ask for what they want, comment on an object, Say "hello", make a choice, play on a light board, ask for "more" and say '"all Done", make a caterpillar light up and play music, etc..
We have also developed a lending library (pictures of closets with toys and switches) to loan toys, low tech communication  devices and switches to the families of students we serve in that are too homebound Preschool Special Education students.

More pictures are coming soon.
Thank you for all your support of these precious children.
Not even shown is the furniture and swings and more that were purchased for the classrooms!  It's truly been unbelievable.

If you would like more information about Gavin's Trust Project - you can always look to the right side of this blog where you will find an explanation, where to mail a check or how to donate online.  You could also click HERE to read the original blog post with everything you need to know.

If you're wondering what's going on with "Gavin's Birthday Project" at the Paoli Emergency Room, I have an update on that, too!  (Note: we are no longer accepting donations for this!)

I had all the toys and furniture delivered to our home.  I wanted to open and assemble each one personally to make sure everything was A-Ok before delivering it.  Unfortunately, one pice of one toy arrived broken...and then it was on backorder...and I'm still waiting for that to be delivered.  As soon as that arrives, we will make the arrangements with the hospital to head over for the installation and unveiling of the new children's waiting room!!  We're very excited about this project - inspired by Brian - and are grateful to all of those who donated to make Gavin's Birthday Project become a reality.  Hopefully we'll make it over there with everything before Hope arrives!!

Thank you for everything you've done for our family.  Whether you've donated money... prayed for us... encouraged us... or even just read my journal entries so you could better know Gavin and our family... we could never have imagined, in a million years, this incredible outpouring.  We don't take it - or any of you - for granted.


  1. What a Blessing!!!! He lives through your generosity!!!!
    We took a different root with our sons memory, we give out a scholarship in his name every year (were on #7) for a student, in the high school he went to,who is furthering their education to be a special education teacher. Billy used to help present with one of his teachers he's had through the years but since his passing last year we're having the teachers and/or nurses present.
    I truly believe they live on through the things we you know, we don't want anyone to forget them...Hugs & prayers!

  2. Love all you are doing Kate & what a wonderful way to do things as well, Stacy. :) You both are FANTASTIC and much appreciated! [I feel that I can say that, because as a special education teacher myself, I know for certain how wonderful this all is!!!]

  3. I am a high school senior and I've only been following your blog for about a month now but I look forward to reading every entry I can. You and your family are a true inspiration. You do so much good for so many people and it's amazing. You guys are a blessing to the world. It's amazing how many lives Gavin touched in the time he was with you guys and even after. Thank you so much for sharing his story and the story of your family. I'm sure Gavin and Darcy are very proud of their Mommy and Daddy and brother for being so great!!


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