Sunday, May 11, 2014

I Survived Mother's Day, 2014...

Sometimes even I have trouble with my own positive thinking.

Today was all about survival for me.

The good news is - I survived.

That is all.

If you need me, I'll be in the garage throwing boxes.


  1. Happy mothers day kate!! Throw them all if that's what u gotta do!!

  2. I'm sorry today was a difficult day and I'm glad you chose to go for survival. Be gentle with yourself and get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow will be a new day and will hold possibility for a better one!

  3. Such a powerful statement. One day at a time, well, one moment at a time. Much love to you.

  4. Throw them once, then throw them again. Then remember that you are so blessed in spite of the losses. Prayers up for you and your family.

  5. happy mother's day. although i don't know the pain of losing a child and i pray daily i never will, i know the pain of losing my mom when i was 31 years old, now, 4 years later, mother's day is the hardest day of the year. throw them boxes... funny, i cleaned our garage on sunday. and it felt good.

  6. Thanks for being honest. Hope the physical therapy helped.

  7. Kate, there is never such a thing as "healing" from the pain of a loss, especially from a child or even 'moving on from it' .. What there really is is time. This first Mother's Day without Gavin must be so heart wrenching, with thoughts of, "Why did I deserve this? I AM a good mother" - Don't ever doubt that you ARE a great mother. Above all, try not to doubt God's goodness. Its so hard to be positive during this time...even though its been a year.. Its equally going to be for the next hundred years, "a year without Gavin." That's a great idea to..Throw those boxes, cry scream and shout till exhaustion sets In that all you want to do Is sleep. Its better than crying in bed. But as a mom, I know that's never enough to stop the pain.. Sometimes, just waiting til the morning of a new what takes the pain to subside for a little while longer..until it comes back again. I pray for you peace and God's outpouring love. We believe in a God that is greater than us. We believe there is life after death,. Hang on to that for a while. We love you Kate, someday, you'll see Gavin again to love and hold. He is always with you.

  8. I'll join you - can't be too long a drive from here to PA ;) Much love Kate!!

  9. Would you please pray for this mom: She too is pregnant as she is in the midst of losing her son. God's word says he gives us trials so we can help others in the same way he helps us. I know she would appreciate prayers from a mom who has been there. Thanks as always for sharing your reality. I pray for you with every blog you post.


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