Monday, May 5, 2014

The Gift in the Sky...

My day started earlier than normal with a 6am wake up from little miss Hope!  Usually she has one wake up at 4am to eat and goes back to sleep.  This morning she slept a little longer and was ready to eat... and ready to play!  There was no use sneaking back to bed so I just started my day with her.  Due to an unfortunate diaper issue, she ended up in the bathtub.  So, before her bath I got Brian out of bed early and the three of us sat in the bathroom and read books!  Hope happily splashed away during our early morning story time.
After taking Brian to school, Hope and I played for a little while - but she was clearly ready to go back to bed.  This baby who rarely takes a solid nap went to sleep and stayed asleep for a solid hour!  It's always such a bummer when I have to wake her to go pick Brian up from school.  As soon as I placed her in her carseat - HUGE crocodile tears sprang from her eyes.  
They lasted all of 20 seconds until she fell fast asleep once again... all the way to school... all the way through the hallway where kids were yelling and running and laughing... all the way home... and for another 45 minutes!!  It was quite a surprise.

I couldn't wait to get Brian home.  It was a gorgeous day and I wanted to spend it outside with both of them.  We had a blast!  I love spending time with Brian.  Not to brag, but he's just such a sweet child.  He's funny!  He loves to laugh!  He is open to trying new things!  I sound like I'm describing Ed!
We had lunch and spent a little time playing inside - getting a kick out of Hope who was trying so hard to talk to us... and roll over.  Check it out...
Last week, Brian planted pea seeds in school and brought them home in a little pot.  They shot up quickly so we decided to replant them in a bigger pot!  He put his gardening gloves on and did the whole thing himself.  He was so proud.
We (okay, HE) dug for worms...
...he played airplane...
...he led a parade through the yard and Hope and I happily followed our little leader...
...he climbed the "tower wall" to get away from the Knights that were chasing him...
...then he WAS the Knight guarding the castle.
We even went for a walk in the neighborhood and discovered a HUGE ant hill.  Hope was amused by every little thing her brother did.  And she loved being outside!
Brian even picked a "flower" for her.
"Here you go, Hope!  I love you, punkin!" he said sweetly as he placed the dandelion on her lap.
The entire time we were outside, a bird circled above us.  Brian was the first to spot it - and hear it - and screamed, "It's a SEAGULL!!!!"  I have to admit, it sure sounded like one!  We instantly thought of Gavin who, as you know, loved the beach so much where there are no shortage of seagulls.  It prompted us to have a conversation about Gavin - how much we missed him, how he would have loved playing outside with us, how he would have wanted to crawl into the tub with Hope this morning (which made Brian laugh at the thought!).  Brian and I kept glancing up at the bird all afternoon as we played.  For all I know, it could have been some kind of hawk circling his dinner somewhere near us.  But I chose to cling to my little fantasy.  That this little "seagull" was sent as a gift to us today - to prompt us to talk about Gavin and enjoy recalling memories.
I love these special times with my children.  And I don't take a single thing for granted.  Every moment... good and bad... and every day... hard or easy... is a gift.


  1. Wonderful post. I enjoy each and every one of them. Thanks you. Love to you all.

  2. Honestly, I don't think that I could love you and your family any more. ..and I've never even met you. At the center of it all is just plain LOVE...for what has been and for what is yet to come. A powerful reminder for us all. Blessings to you.

  3. I love reading your posts. They are so inspirational and moving. There is just something in how you write that just gets to me! I'm hooked.
    From Toronto, Canada

  4. I just can NOT get over how GORGEOUS your Hope is. Stunning baby.


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