Thursday, April 30, 2015

Seventeen Months!...

Spring has sprung!
And so has Hope!
She is 17 months old today.
This month she has changed a lot. She's taller, heavier (they are my scientifically precise measurements) and is really losing that "baby look" which makes us a little sad!
She also has a LOT more hair. It's coming in dark brown and every once in a while she has a little curl in the back! 
There are some things that haven't changed much. Hope is still very, very, very (I mean VERY) active! If she's not here - she's there - if she's not there - she's back here - if she's not - wait, where is she?!?!? That is a perfectly accurate description of my day. After Brian's finished his breakfast, the kitchen chairs go up on TOP of the kitchen table. The art table chairs have been in the basement for weeks...along with my desk chair. The coffee table gets pushed up against the couch and then big toys fill in the gaps - and then I pray that she won't try to climb on the coffee table! She looks so innocent, doesn't she?  Ha!
The key for Hope is to keep her occupied. We read for two seconds and then share "tea" for three seconds and then make doggie sounds for five seconds and then chase each other for ten seconds and then play peek a boo for two seconds. If you're out of breath reading it - you can imagine how I feel (and look!) most days! We also spend a lot of time outside or on the playground we have in our living room. This month she has mastered climbing up the rope ladder and the rock wall to get to the slide. Can you believe that? She climbs up so fast without any fear and sits right on the slide all by herself. It's so shocking to me - even still - and I see it happen at least thirty times a day. I'm obviously right there behind her - but she rarely needs my help anymore. She is such a tough little girl!
She has been getting a few molars in over the last couple weeks. I'm not sure the amber teething necklace is cutting it for these chompers. She's been a little on the cranky side and not sleeping as well as usual during the day. 
I've always been blessed with good sleepers - and if they're not sleeping, they've always just hung out in their cribs and entertained themselves. Thankfully, Hope is no exception! I love to watch her on the video monitor when she's awake. She talks to her little lovies or will sit and "read" one of the books I put in there for naptime.
She loves books - just like her brothers did at this age. The book she's holding in this photo, "Going on a Bear Hunt," was Gavin's - and it was a BIG favorite of his when he was Hope's age.
It's not unusual to see her sitting quietly with a book (she's capable of sitting, believe it or not! Ha!)...
...or even roaming around the house with one in her hands. I hope she loves to read as much as I used to!
Seventeen months flew by. My little baby is growing and changing so quickly - right before my eyes! 
I love spending my days - as exhausting as they are - getting to know her sweet and exuberant personality. She is such an individual and I hope she stays that way always!

Today was an exciting day for me because I had my first "professional" essay posted on! The piece was about how to survive Mother's Day when you've lost a child... something I know a little bit about. If you'd like to read it, you can find it HERE. I'm also excited because that means that I can put some of the money I earned from this into my "fundraising" account! When I hit a certain number, I'll write a check to one of the charities we support. And then when I hit that number again, I'll write another check for the next charity. I'm really thrilled to have the opportunity to work for the money as a way to continue honoring Gavin's life.


  1. I don't think its a co-incidence that Hope is so active...Gavin was starting to get more mobile and its like she's making up for the both of them in my mind :).

  2. Today (well yesterday here) was my youngest baby's 12 birthday. So this post brought a few tears for me, going on a bear hunt was one of my children's favourite books, along with the very hungry caterpillar. I remember my 2 being this young so well yet now my babies are 12 and 16 in October! This is a difficult year for me for many reasons, the obvious one is no one thought I'd still be here, I've had my mind set on reaching 42 since my health started to fail and now in less than a month I'll be 42. Another reason is when my sister died her children were 12&15, so reading your posts is something I, and obviously many others, always look forward to, your family has a big place in my heart, Hope is looking more like a little girl, she is utterly adorable though, as are her brother's of course, she reminds me of my youngest, she was such a little daredevil too. Huge congratulations on your first article, I know you will be a huge success xo


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