Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mommy, My Eyes Are A Little Wet...

This past weekend we had friends over for a cookout, we spent time at a neighbor's who hosted a Memorial Day Barbecue, we did some furniture shopping and we spent time outside. 
I remember many times looking over at Brian and thinking... Wow. He is looking and acting and behaving like such a big kid these days.
Brian has always been mild mannered and well behaved - he was just born with that personality! We are really very fortunate to have such a sweet little guy. He was a great little brother to Gavin and he's a tremendous big brother to Hope. Hope absolutely adores him.
Last night at dinner we were playing the "Question Game." It started out easy with "What's your favorite ice cream flavor?" "What do you like better: brownies or brussel sprouts?" And then I asked this: "Brian, what do you think you'll miss the most about Kindergarten?"

It seems like just yesterday that I snapped these "First day of Kindergarten" photos.
He has changed so much since then - not just physically, but emotionally and developmentally. He's learned so much and showed us that he's quite a math whiz! He's made friends and we've always received positive praise from his teacher. In just eight days, he will graduate and we will spend the summer preparing for First Grade.
It was still quiet at the dinner table so as I took another bite of my cheeseburger and assumed Brian was thinking of a good answer. I gave him a little prompt with, "Is there more than one thing you'll miss?" to which he replied...

"Mommy? My eyes are a little wet. Can we stop talking about this?"

I looked up - our eyes locked - and he quickly burst into tears. My big kid reverted right back to being my baby boy as he climbed into my lap and buried his face in my neck. 

Later on we talked about it. We talked about how many times the anticipation is worse than the event...how the fear of the unknown can rob us of joy...and how listening to rumors and gossip (about how HARD first grade is and how they NEVER get to play and how much WORK they have to do) is a waste of time unless you KNOW it's true for a fact. I got a lot of nodding and nodding and nodding and sniffing... baby steps. And this morning I emailed the first grade teacher and asked if she ever pops into the Kindergarten class to give the kids a pep talk to calm their fears about First Grade before summer begins. And in doing so, I gave her a glimpse of what it will be like to get emails from Brian's Mom throughout the year! Ha ha!

Leaving what you know and stepping into something new is always a little nerve wracking. Even as an adult! I can only imagine how his little heart feels to leave behind his rest mat and toy corner and Kindergarten teachers forever. I know how it makes ME feel to see him grow up.
Hmmm. Suddenly my eyes are a little wet...

1 comment:

  1. So are my eyes .....my eldest has just done her first GCSE, she's doing a few a year early, then next year she'll take the rest. Here in the UK you can legally leave school when you're 16 (my eldest is 16 in October) but most stay and do their GCSE's then they either leave school, get a job OR as both my kids will be doing (God willing) they stay on and do their A level's then go onto university etc etc. so for us this is an end of an era for us. My eldest is changing from a kid to a young adult..,very scary thought lol even our youngest is 12 and in senior school.....now my eyes are very wet :( Brian will do amazing in 1st Grade, I know it's scary but I know Brian will do amazing xo


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