Friday, August 12, 2011

The Big Conspiracy...

It's never a dull moment around here! I think my computer worked so hard on Brian's birthday video (Wait, WHAT? You missed the long awaited birthday video? The one that is only eight months late? You can check it out HERE.) - anywhooo... my computer is having some issues. So this morning after breakfast, the boys and I headed to the Apple store at the Mall which is a little over ten minutes away. Unfortunately, pulling into the parking lot I realized that I forgot to load the double stroller.

Ay yi yi...

So when we got BACK to the Mall...I dropped my beloved computer off at the Apple store (where it still is, unfortunately) and the boys and I cruised around. I never go to the Mall (if I can help it) so it was a treat for all of us just to stroll aimlessly.

I won the lottery this afternoon when BOTH boys took naps. That's a rare event so I celebrated by organizing while it was quiet. I know - I'm a wild one. What can I say.

Brian took an extra long nap which allowed me to work with Gavin when he woke up. We practiced on the iPad...walked in the KidWalk...and then I sat him in his highchair and gave him three things to try to put in his mouth. I will never get tired of seeing him do this on his own...

I feel like he's all of a sudden wanting to be more independent. You should see him fly up the stairs on his own. It's pretty awesome.

Tonight I made dinners for both boys - and was heating Gavin's up in the microwave. Or so I thought. All of a sudden I smelled smoke - and when I took the food out it was still cold. Our microwave is sick. I'm trying not to be paranoid - first the the there a connection? A conspiracy? Or do I just need a vacation...badly.

Ay yi yi.

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