Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Preserving Memories...

One could argue that I'm a little crazy with the camera. I can fill up an 8Gb memory card in just a few months. Ed had to buy another hard drive just for photo storage and back up!! But I wont' change...and he wouldn't ask me to. I am intent on preserving every memory.

Ed lost his parents when he was very young and there are very few pictures from his childhood. We have this one, and just a few others.
For that reason alone it's important to me that our children have lots of pictures of themselves to show their children.

We just never know how much time we have on this planet. The other day a freak windstorm blew down a concert stage at a Sugarland concert, one of my favorite bands. Four people died instantly - a fifth died at the hospital. They went to have a great time - and they never came home to their families. If that happened to me tomorrow, I want my children to grow up and have this blog and all of the photos and videos to go to. In a way they could get to know me through my writing...and in turn find comfort that they had a Mother who deeply, deeply loved them.

I would want them to know that I enjoyed every second of my pregnancies with them - good days, bad days, uncomfortable days, painful moments - I loved the hope and possibilities that came with pregnancy and I couldn't wait to meet their little personalities.
Even being wheeled into my C-Section I snapped a picture of myself to show how positively joyful I was! I know...out of control!
I would want them to know that I love their Father. Lots and lots.
I'd want Gavin to know that I treasured every second with him and did everything in my power to help heal his brain and his body. I took this picture with my outstretched arm the night before Brian was born.
I'd want Brian to know that I loved every single thing about him and wanted to remember every day - even preserving a photo of him in a favorite pair of pajamas that he looked extra-cute in.
I'd want them to know that they had a little sister named Darcy Claire. That she will always be their personal angel.
And I'd want them both to know that I was always watching them. Some of my favorite moments were watching them interact with each other. Spending time with them was (and is!) my favorite thing to do.
Will they appreciate all of these efforts? I am sure they will. Actually...I'm pretty sure at least one of them already does. You be the judge...

1 comment:

  1. Kate..one of the reasons I follow your blog and follow you on FB is because you are such a wonderful dedicated mother. You remind me so much of my mom. Sadly, yesterday I lost my mother. But I have so many memories and pictures to keep with me for a life time. Your boys are very fortunate.


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