Monday, August 1, 2011

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...

Today was a big day. The boys first real dentist visit (Gavin was checked over by my dentist when he was 2). I read a book about "Going to the Dentist" ahead of time to prepare them. I had Brian practice saying "Ahhhhh" on command. I talked it up and tried to make it sound exciting. Last night I printed the forms from the office's website and this morning I filled them out for both boys. I was so happy I did that at home as it took a while to answer all the questions and fill in all the information. I had Mapquest directions printed out and the diaper bag was packed. I felt so proud of myself for being so "on top of things".

The boys, Miss Katja and I arrived at the office a little past ten - running a bit behind. We walked into the office and immediately it seemed a bit...uh, I don't know...geriatric? But as I glanced around there were a few "Highlight's" kids magazines so I brushed off my feelings.
After checking in with the receptionist I sat down - but not for long. Soon I heard some mutterings - help arrived at the reception desk - confused sounding whispers. They couldn't find my appointment...and it was likely impossible that I had an appointment there today, I was told. The pediatric dentist was only there on Thursdays. Confused, I apologized and we all left.

Halfway down the elevator it dawned on me.


I looked up the phone number to the dentist where I thought we were supposed to be - and, sure enough, they were waiting for us. Seriously - I went to the wrong freaking dentist office. At that point, Katja and I were crying - we were laughing that hard. The morning was filled with conspiracies - elevator issues, driving issues, phone issues - we had to laugh. And I'm happy to laugh at myself, believe me. It turned out that my 10am non-existing appointment with the "seniors" at dentist number one made us not "too" late for our actual appointment at dentist number two. That appointment was at 10:30 and only ten minutes away. How could I possibly have done that, you ask? Don't bother trying to figure it out - lately I have been so *flighty* it's not even funny.

When Katja and I ran into the next dentist - the real one - our jaws dropped. There must have been fifty people in the waiting room. It wasn't a fancy dental office, that's for sure. But it came highly recommended - especially for kids with special needs - so I wanted to at least give it a chance. I sat to fill out their paperwork for both boys and within a half hour we were called back.

Brian went first. The child I was most concerned about. Not about his teeth - but his fear. Gavin is so used to people poking and prodding at him - I thought for sure Brian would freak out. Boy, was I wrong. He climbed right into the chair!
The nice dentist asked him to say "Ahhh...." and he did it, just like we practiced!
(Excuse the rest of the photos - the nice hygienist was kind enough to multi-task for me! Ha!)
The doctor gave Brian an excellent report. Zero cavities, perfect bite and he could tell that his teeth are very well cared for. He asked about his diet and when I told him that neither of my kids have ever had juice he was shocked. He said I was "a rare Mom, indeed." I was more concerned about Brian's love of raisins, but he said everything looked great! I was so proud of Brian - he was cooperative and brave and excited to get a new toothbrush!

Next up was Gavin. From the second he sat down on my lap he was not happy. But once the doctor fiddled around in his mouth, he was in Heaven. Gavin is definitely very oral! I had some pretty big concerns about Gavin's mouth - mostly due to his mouthing and teeth banging. I was afraid to hear that he had done serious damage. I wasn't afraid of cavities at all. Gavin's diet is incredible - we all should eat like he does! The only sugar he gets comes from his milk!
My fears were put to rest after the exam. The dentist told me that Gavin has perfect teeth - no cavities, no discoloration and no damage. He would be more concerned with Gavin's behavior if they were his adult teeth - so hopefully we can nip this mouth issue in the bud before that. He also told me that Gavin has an overbite and some crowding - that we'll likely be looking at some orthodontia in the future. This wasn't a huge surprise - Gavin's mouth is small and his palate is high - not enough room for all those teeth. But all in all, it was a great visit and he was happy when it was all over.
My initial opinion - based on the office and front desk staff - was changed when we met the dentist. He was patient and warm and comforting. We will be back in six months for another check up! I'm a big fan of Upper Merion Dental and Dr. Goldsleger!!

We got home just in time for a quick lunch before Gavin's teacher arrived. I was a little worried that his dental crankies would come home with him for therapy - but wrong again! He actually was a rock star! He consistently picked up these little blue bears and dropped them in (or near!) the blue container. Miss Janna guided his arm to the bear and then held it over the bowl to help him. We were all so excited!!
At the end of the day we were still laughing at my silly mistakes (including standing in front of the elevator bitching about why it was taking SO long...until Katja pointed out I never pushed the call button. Doh.)

The day started off crazy...but it ended with me remembering to not sweat the small stuff.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH that is hilarious that you were at the WRONG dentist! AND complaining about the slow elevator...HELLO push the so ME at MANY MANY TIMES! Welcome to "being a MOM"...hook, line, and sinker!


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