Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Third Birthday, Brian!!

Last night was a loooooooonnnnngggggg night. Brian's first night in his "big (huge, actually) boy bed." I was up all night...there was tons of anxiety...and a very, very early morning wake up call. Brian? He slept all night! He fell asleep quickly...and slept in until 8:15 this morning. It was ME who was up all night! I slept with the video monitor in my hand - staring at the screen like it was a blockbuster movie. I was watching for any movement...listening for any sound. And this morning I was up at the crack of dawn - half expecting him to be up, too. Half expecting to watch him on the monitor as he snuck out of bed and made his way to the door. Don't believe me? I have the bags under my eyes to prove it. I'm out of control.

This morning he woke up three years old - and sat up stretching and smiling like he'd been in a big boy bed his whole life. I love this little boy.

When he came down this morning, I think he was surprised to see that "Fishy" had, indeed, followed him home!! He was THRILLED. I showed him how to feed Fishy - who, ironically, eats THREE little pellets a day! Brian fed him all by himself!

Brian was very aware that it was his birthday. He was so adorable all day and everything made him happy. I have complete rose colored glasses when it comes to this child (and his big brother!). I'm sure I could be told that he was a colicky baby - but I wouldn't believe it. All I remember is the late night snuggles...the perfect breast feeder....the smily, happy infant....and the agreeable toddler. I remember his perfect fingers and his perfect toes...long and thin like a piano player. Even his nails were perfectly shaped. I noticed every single detail of Brian - down to the cute little birthmarks and freckles. Who would have ever thought that a 100% Irish woman with a Chinese husband would have one child with blue eyes...and one with FRECKLES!!!
Brian has been such a complete and total joy. He has surprised me with how much he knows - how much he just picks up - and how much he has taught his big brother. He already shows a kind of sensitivity that I am so proud of. Soon I will send him out of my car and into the hands of teachers. I know the fear and anxiety is only in me - he will do so well and will just thrive. It's so hard for me to let go. But seriously...can we talk about that cute face? Would YOU be able to let go???? *wink*

After lunch, Brian had a big, happy surprise. One of his favorite people in the world...his granny...came to wish him a happy birthday. And as if that wasn't enough - she came with his Aunt Bean AND his godmother, Aunt Meg! We all sang happy birthday and Brian did a great job blowing out his candle...

And then - big shock - he devoured his cake.
They all brought presents, too, which was so nice and unexpected. Aunt Meg gave him "Connect 4" which is a game that Brian loved "playing" at his Aunt Bean's house.
And Aunt Bean gave him the coolest iPad "pen" with two apps so he can "color" on his iPad! Not yet sure how it works...I'll report back. But it looks super-cool!
And Granny gave him a foam bat and balls! She has a set in her garage that Brian makes a bee-line for.
I am shocked that Brian didn't ask to go to bed with her present because he carried it around like this for the rest of the day!

He had such a great day.

This evening I met my Mom and my two sisters at a local restaurant. It is the restaurant that my Mom and Dad went on many occasions. It was the restaurant that they took me to celebrate becoming a flight attendant! And it was the restaurant where we hosted my Dad's funeral luncheon. My Mom wanted to have a nice dinner with her daughters. Before I left, Ed was nice to snap a couple pictures of me with the birthday boy before he went to bed.

Ed and the boys bonded while my Mom and her girls bonded. Tomorrow is our big family Christmas party. My Mom will be surrounded by her five children - and her nineteen grandchildren. And I'm sure Pop and Darcy will be there, too. It will be a tough day for all of us, I'm sure. I'll be back on Sunday.

I miss you, Dad!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Brian! What a handsome little boy you are! Love from Ohio! Love, Dawn :)


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