Thursday, March 21, 2013

Full Circle Moment...

Gavin and I have been home together all week, but today I took him to school for an evaluation.  He has been slowly getting evaluated by everyone from Speech therapists to Psychologists to Occupational Therapists... and today was his Physical Therapy evaluation.  They are all evaluating him to prepare for the upcoming IEP that will follow him into... gulp... Kindergarten.

I dressed him in his Sunday best for what was a full circle moment for the two of us...
Gavin's evaluation was done by his very first therapist EVER.  Miss Patty (on the right) came to our house shortly after Gavin came home from the NICU and she was with us for three years!  And soon, she will be Gavin's physical therapist when he starts Kindergarten in the Fall.  Miss Wendy and Miss Patty both work at the Kindergarten Center - which means that if Patty has any questions, Wendy is right there!!  How lucky for Gavin!!
It didn't take long for Gavin and Miss Patty to fall in love again.
 Some things just never change.
When I started thinking about Gavin's transition to Kindergarten, I really saw him travelling to school in his wheelchair - just as he does now.  But Patty and I both agreed that the wheelchair can be left at home.  I want him to walk as much as possible this year - and that includes up the driveway to the bus and off the bus into school.  So I'll be asking the bus company for a carseat.  How awesome is that???  And how quickly things change these days for our little superhero.  He is making progress faster than I can type!

In other news, I'm trying to get back into the piano.  I've been a piano player since the second grade... but I really haven't played since Gavin was born.  I used to teach piano to kids in the house before he was born, but it just went by the wayside.  Yesterday I pulled a book out of the piano stool and started playing... and suddenly I was the pied piper.  Gavin and Brian both came in to listen quietly - and soon Brian was asking if he could "have a turn."  
I often wondered if Brian would let me teach him piano.  Sometimes parents don't make the best teachers.  But Brian is showing so much interest and patience, it may just happen for the two of us!!  I'm cautiously optimistic.  
More and more I realize that Brian is developing a huge and tender heart.  Lately, when I pick him up from school, he has been coming out holding the hand of a classmate.  In the past, he'd come running to me when he saw me.  Now, he makes me wait until he safely deposits his friends at their Mom's car or their bus.  And THEN he comes running to me.  I love this!!

He's also gotten a lot closer to Gavin.  He looks for ways to play with him, include him, help him and read or sing to him.  Today he wanted to play "Firemen" with his big brother...
...and even turned into a therapist at one point.  Here he was instructing Gavin to "touch hat."  "This is a firehat, Gavin!  Can you touch hat?  Touch hat, Gavin.  You can do it!"
The funniest moment was when he called me into the room to take their picture.  "Here Mama - we'll pose for you!!"
You can't "force" a relationship to happen.  My greatest wish and my most fervent prayer is that Gavin and Brian will always have an unbreakable bond.  That Gavin won't get "lost in the shuffle" as Brian grows and gets busier and makes friends.  So, to me, seeing these moments is so emotional.  It just makes me so happy to watch my boys interact.  And it makes me happy to see that Gavin has had such an influence on how Brian views the world.

I feel so lucky to be Brian's Mommy.

I likely won't be on the blog until after the weekend!  My wonderful nephew, Dan, is getting married on Saturday.  I'm already starting to cry so it should be a long few days... trust me.  I am THAT Aunt.  I can already see him rolling his eyes at me.  *wink*

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