Monday, March 18, 2013

Mommy Boot Camp...

Last night I went to bed early with one thing on my mind - my plans for Gavin this week.  With Miss Sara away all week, I made the decision to keep Gavin home with me.  I am so grateful that I've been able to have a helper since Gavin was a baby, but I also relish the time alone when it's just the three of us.  And I am really looking forward to mornings alone with Gavin while Brian is at school.  I made up a schedule for each day and declared the week "Mommy Boot Camp!" 

My first order of business was to make some new communication cards.  I bought this Laminating machine a couple years ago - and it has more than paid for itself.  It's so easy to make picture cards for Gavin!
I placed the two books (his favorites!) in the clear bin with the card taped to the top.  He looked at it for about ten seconds...
Looked up as if to say, "Let me get this straight..."
...and then proceeded to touch the picture...
...pull off the lid himself...
...and pull out his book!  He was quite pleased with himself.  We did this several times throughout the morning.  He did a great job!  I also did it with other toys - had him touch the picture card to "request" it.
The two of us had a great time.  Well, except when we got to the physical therapy part of my schedule. Walking for therapy doesn't even seem necessary anymore - at least not at home!  He walks all over the house with increasing confidence.  I decided to push Gavin to crawl down the stairs.  It's something he always resists.  He can crawl up...he can walk up...he can get himself out of his bed by going backwards...but he just won't crawl down the stairs.  You put him on the stairs to go down...and he just wants to go up.  So that wasn't Gavin's favorite part of the morning.  But a Mom's gotta do what a Mom's gotta do.

I think his favorite part of the whole day was picking Brian up from school.  He love his little brother so much!!  On the way home, I told Brian about our morning and briefly shared the communication card experiment.  As soon as he got his coat and shoes off, he wanted to "do therapy" with Gavin.  Without me having to show him what I did, he instinctively (and sweetly) put the box in front of his brother and said, "Okay, Gavin, touch this picture to tell me you want your books!  Go ahead, Gavin.  You can do it!"
And then he waited.  And waited.  Reminding Gavin every ten seconds that he was still waiting for him to touch the picture.  I went back and forth between wanting to cry and wanting to laugh!  At one point, Brian even took Gavin's hand and tried to force him to touch the darn picture...
And just when he had all about given up hope - Gavin touched the picture.  And no one was happier and more encouraging than Brian.
Brian took a nap this afternoon while Gavin and I spent time reading in our "book nook" - or "book fort" I should say!  It's a pretty awesome hangout!
But, once again, I was chopped liver once Brian came down from his rest.  These two boys love to hang out together lately...and nothing makes me happier.  I couldn't capture it on video, but Brian was reading and singing to Gavin while they were in there together.  Gavin was so happy!
 Unfortunately, I woke up feeling sick this morning and I'm hoping it doesn't lead to anything too bad.  This weekend is my nephew's wedding out of state - I can NOT be sick for that!!  And, of course, I don't want the boys to catch whatever I have.  I hope it doesn't get in the way of my "Mommy Boot Camp!"  I have big plans this week for my little superhero and "ain't nobody got time" for being sick!!

p.s.... Don't forget to enter my Mattel giveaways!  There's an entry to win a deluxe basket filled with toys in the "Save The Bunny Giveaway" post - and an extra giveaway form on the Chasing Rainbows Facebook Page!  You can't win - for your child, your niece or nephew, your grandchild, your godchild - whoever - if you don't enter!!  


  1. I love the brother love between your boys! Makes me tearful! Hope you're feeling better Mom!


    1. I do too, Amy. Lately, they have gotten so close and it makes me so happy!!

  2. Thank you so much, Andrea! Your simple comment made my day. It helps (A LOT!) that I have really adorable subjects to write about. :-)


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