Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Pictures Tell The Story...

In our little family, we prefer to celebrate the "minute" details of every day.  

While these "minute" details may seem unimportant to some...they are everything to us.

We celebrate everyday miracles big and small.
And we plan on keeping it that way.

Sometimes you have to let the pictures tell the story.
Many of these photos are blurry...but that is the whole point.

I have (with sadness) decided to institute a few new "policies' on my blog.  Mostly to protect my feelings, to be honest.  This is my blog - about my family, and my life, and my kids, and my emotions and my parenting style.  It's not a public forum to decide to unleash your venom on me or to list all the things you hate about me or to tell me I'm a "joke" and a "helicopter Mom" or that you feel sorry for my "typical kid" and my "man" and that I make a "big deal out of everything that is minute in the sense of the word."  I probably shouldn't admit this, but it affects me a great deal when people go out of their way to tell me how horrible they think I am.  What is the point, really?  And when I know that I have accepted this commenter as a friend on makes me want to cry.  You don't have to agree with me.  I'm sure there are thousands of other bloggers out there that you can choose from that align with your way of thinking.  Just move on.  It really, really, really hurts my feelings.

I know it can be a pain sometimes to comment using your name or URL - but I am not allowing comments under "anonymous" anymore.  It's a shame because I get a lot of great comments under the "anonymous" profile whether people sign their names or not.  If you want to get a comment or a message to me, feel free to email me through the blog or head to the Chasing Rainbows Facebook Page where you can send me a message.

Speaking of Facebook.  I have naively accepted any and all friend requests over the years from readers who are complete and total strangers.  It doesn't take long (at least for many of you!) for us to become friends once that happens.  But I am sorry to say, I will not be accepting any more random friend requests unless we have some type of connection or correspondence.  EVERYONE is welcome to "like" the Chasing Rainbows page.  I just ask that if you stop "liking" it, just quietly go and don't go out in flames with a hate filled rant on the page.

Who knew that a stay at home Mom who is trying her best to be a good wife, raise a special needs kid and the little brother who loves him, and bravely share it ALL in the hopes to help others could inspire such hatred?


  1. Its so sad that people behave like this :( I love reading your blog, although I don't usually comment! xxx

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment tonight, Caroline! xxx right back atcha.

  2. Love, love, LOVE these pictures! Like you, I'm about all about the inchstones. Matt works so hard and I am going to celebrate every single bit of his progress.

    I am so sorry that you are going through this. Unfortunately there are a lot of hateful, spiteful people in this world who will never understand how blessed we are to have our babies or our lives as moms of these precious kiddos.

    1. Inchstones!! I love that! I used to say "Smilestones" instead of milestones :-)

      Thanks for the sweet comment!!

  3. Love, love, LOVE these pictures! Blurry pics can be the best, it just means you're catching memories as they are happening :)

    And to heck with the haters and trolls, they have no idea what it is like to be the mothers of these little angels. And if they are mothers who are acting like this, then shame on them! You are entitled to think, feel and say any darn thing you want and they don't like it then the door can hit them on the butt on the way out!

    1. I've never been so happy to post blurry pictures - he just wouldn't stand still! I don't think I ever thought I'd write that sentence about Gavin...that he wouldn't stand still. Ha ha!!

  4. I am just really blown away. I do not know why I allow myself to be surprised, but I think deep down I have this inherent faith in people. I tend to not believe the worst in others. But unfortunately I get let down, and this is one of those cases where that happened. I am so sorry that someone decided to unleash their very negative opinions on you and your parenting. Not only do I disagree with their feelings, but I also disagree with their choice to blab about it on your blog. Blogs exist for all sorts of purposes. But it is very clear you are not out there to create any type of discord or push an agenda. You are sharing your life. Plain and simple. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your blog and the stories that you share.

    1. Thanks, Erin. I appreciate your blog, too, and know that we come from the same place...wanting to share our journey with the hopes that it might help someone, somewhere with anything!! I'm super naive and trusting and these kind of things get me so, so bummed out. :-(

  5. I am a new reader of your blog and am so happy to have found it. Your boys are wonderful and have tremendous spirit! I find myself cheering Gavin on with every milestone (and love the recent chef pictures). If I may share a story...I was at a warehouse store the other day (a day or two after your post about the R-word). There is a small seating area there and a boy of 14 or so was waiting for his mom. This boy had special needs and was waving to everyone as they walked by on their way out of the store. I didn't see anyone wave. I thought of you and your boys and waved to this boy. His face lit up and he said "sweet." I left, happy to been able to do something so simple that meant so much to this boy.

    It is unfortunate that people feel a need to be cruel, especially in a public forum. Thank you for sharing yourself and your precious family with us. I think I found you through Small Bird Studios. As a mama who has lost three babies and struggled with fertility, your sweet Darcy Claire touched me heart. I read your blog with tears in my eyes and look forward to every post. Thank you again, you ARE helping.

    1. Anne - I'm sure you made that young boy's day!!
      I'm glad you found me through Franchesca. She helped me design this blog! I found her when I joined the baby loss group, unfortunately. She's a wonderful person!!

  6. I'm sorry some people like to spread hate in order to somehow make themselves feel better. I simply love reading about your family and sweet boys and find your writing very insightful. Forget the haters and keep doing your thing. Hang in there!!

  7. Kate, I'm so sorry for this. It's really sad that someone is so unhappy that they find it necessary to say such mean things to others. Please TRY not to let this keep you down. I love reading about your family and especially Gavin's accomplishments. The pictures make it so real!!! As Mom to a 21 yo daughter with ID and developmental delays, we still rejoice and celebrate all milestones, big and little.

    1. Hi Jan,
      I'd love to know more about your daughter and what she's doing at 21!! It's so hard to look into the future - there are so many unknowns!!

  8. Please try your best not to let those negative comments get to you. You know their words say everything about them and nothing about you.

  9. I don't comment often but I really enjoy your blog. I feel myself cheering Gavin on all his accomplishments and I enjoy all of the cute things Brfian says and does. I feel like I know you all even though it is really only through your writings.I can't believe people would go out of their way to say mean, hurtful things to you. If they don't like your bog just stop reading it and mind their own business...simple...apparently not for some people. Keep writing about your beautiful family and a whole lot of us will continue reading,,and enjoying it...

    1. Thanks, Michele. I don't understand why people go so out of their way to say mean things, either. It is such a big world out there with so many choices - just move on, you know?

  10. Don't let the negative comments get you down!! You have thousands of faithful readers who truely care about your entire family. I have been around since the 2007 pumpkinseeds board, although I rarely comment. I have cried and rejoiced with you. Gavin has accomplished so much because you are a caring Mother who loves her child. No one should have anything negative to say about that. Everyone has different parenting styles, but only YOU know what is right for YOUR family. Just keep your head up and keep on doing what your doing because it is working for your family. Remember, the delete button is very easy to push and once you push it, forget about any negative comment or hurtful words. "Our" lil super hero is a determined lil guy who will do great things :)

    1. Nice to hear from you, Deb! Thank you for your kind comments. And you're right about that delete button - I don't know why I get so hurt by these things, but I do!! :-(

  11. I'm sorry that cowards hide and throw darts- how miserable they must be. I cheer for the boys and look forward to new entries. I don't usually share dreams about other people's kids especially cuz I m a stranger and it's weird. But a few days after you started talking about chelating mercury I dreamed Gavin made mmmm sound and took your hand to lead you. That's all I remember. Maybe he already does this, but I am so waiting for that post.

    1. Well, it's funny that you mention this.... Gavin has been increasingly vocal lately - making all kinds of new sounds. He now makes two vowel sounds - eeeeee and aaaaaa. Every day I say 'mamamamamama" and he stares intently at my mouth and sometimes puts his hands on my lips - but so far he hasn't attempted it yet. Maybe your dream is a prediction of the future! Hopefully the NEAR future :-)

  12. I can't believe anyone would say such mean things. You are an amazing Mom and I love reading your blog. I have a son who has severe brain injury and our journeys are different but yet there are similarities. Your blog and stories inspire me. Please keep keeping on.

  13. I read this post yesterday but didn't get a chance to comment until today. I see many of your admirers have already said what I wanted to say. Trolls are a sad but fascinating aspect of comments on the internet. It reminds me of anonymous graffiti on the girls' bathroom wall in highschool, taking down any girl who was too pretty or who thought she was "big". Remember there are alot of women out there who become irrational at the accomplishments of others. You've got a successful and widely admired blog, which will bother some folks sooooo much, they will send you comments (that hopefully others will see!) trying to make you feel less-good about yourself. What sad, pathetic people. Please Kate, don't let them get the better of you. I'm with your friend Deb - when you get one of "those" posts, feel pity, hit delete, then move on and forget it. It's an unfortunate part of being a public figure.

    I love reading your blog. I am inspired by your courage and positive-ness, moved by your sad moments (and the eloquent way in which you describe them), interested in the aspects of motherhood you comment upon.

    P.S. I don't check in every day, so I must ask... did I miss something? When did Gavin start WALKING?! Woo hoo! (a yelp was just heard across lower Manhattan).

  14. I'm sorry this is happening!! But I love your blurry pictures, that means that Gavin is moving so fast he's a blur! Love it! You and your family are an inspiration. You are doing a great job Momma!! xo


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