Monday, April 22, 2013

A Superhero Sleeps Here...

We made it through night one.
Thank you to everyone that came to honor Gavin.  It was a very difficult night - but so moving to see so many people who were inspired by our sweet little boy.  We were told there were a little over 400 people there.  Unbelievable.

Please pray for us tomorrow.
And the next day.
And maybe, well, for a long time.

Good night, Moon.


  1. thinking of you tonight and tomorrow...

  2. Kate, You are Ed were amazing seemed like you were comforting all of US.
    And everything was perfect...from the pictures, your cards you saved and Gavin's sweet and miraculously no longer needed hearing aides. Every detail was noticed and cherished. Be proud knowing that all 400 people were talking to each other and sharing how Gavin changed them.

    I wish I hadn't choked on every word I said to you and Ed. Know that you have SO MANY people with you tomorrow and every day after. So much love to you all.

    - Sheila Mariani

  3. Thinking of you today and tomorrow and beyond. Remembering your superhero in heaven...


  4. Praying for you every day, Kate. Hang in there, Mama.

  5. I so wish I could be there in person to honor Superhero Gavin who has taught me so much!! I continue to think about all of you constantly! I will pray for you and your family tonight and many nights to come!!

  6. Prayers forever and a day!

  7. i pray for you every nite before i sleep

  8. Love and prayers your way tonight.

  9. What struck me tonight was that although LOSS was very prevalent, DEATH was not. Everywhere I turned was light and color--from the stained glass windows to the balloons to the rainbows. The children's songs wafting through the air were poignant yet full of innocence. And everywhere--everywhere--Gavin's face shone out, vibrant and joyful. Tonight contained grief, but in the end it celebrated LIFE and LOVE.

    Thinking of you and Ed tonight--and every night.

    1. Beautifully said. I wasn't there, but I can imagine it. Gavin's light and his parents' love have shone all the way to Austin, Texas and beyond. Prayers today, tomorrow, and always.

      The Haddock Family xoxo

  10. You and your family (ALL of you) will never be far from our prayers.

  11. Praying for you guys always!!

  12. Much Love and many prayers for you all! I wish I could have been there to honor Gavin as you all have so touched not only my life but millions of others. I am in complete awe of you Kate and your strength, grace and amazing capacity for love!

  13. I don't have the words to express to you how deeply saddened I am about the loss of Gavin, the words to express how inspired I am by the depth of your relentless work and mothering of him. (I am a special needs Mom, too) I am honored by your presence, inspired by Gavin's energy and lucky to have found your story to read. Your family is in my thoughts, tonight and forever.

  14. Thinking of you tonight and many other nights to come. Gavin touched me and I barely knew him just over a week. You are strong and incredible. My son and I prayed for you and family tonight and I was praying for you while driving on route 22E today. Please know that you are thought of and Gavin has a special place in my heart. :)

  15. Thinking of you today and everyday. Wish I could have been there today. Love to you, Ed and Brian.
    Hugs and Kisses - Christine Henke

  16. You're making me a better mom, Kate. Thinking and thinking and thinking of you.

  17. G-d bless your family.

  18. Michelle from Brisbane, AustraliaApril 22, 2013 at 11:13 PM

    Although 400 people many have physically been able to hug you tonight Kate, I can guarantee that there are thousands more you are holding you, Ed, Brian and all who loved Gavin very close to their hearts. Your SuperHero made the world a better place. Michelle xx

  19. You and your superhero Gavin are so inspiring! I have cried many tears for your family. Wish I could've been there to give you a hug today. Stay strong, Mama! Everything you have prepared for Gavin's celebration of life has been beautiful. Love and prayers to you.

  20. Love and prayers today, tomorrow, and every day thereafter. I am so so sorry.

  21. Sending you prayers and hoping you find some peace and comfort.

  22. I hope you can find strength and moments of peace, knowing you are and always have done a beautiful job honoring Gavin.

  23. Thank you for the update on how tonight went. From the description from one of the commenters it sounds like you made it a beautiful tribute to your superhero who has now become so many peoples superhero. I think of your family everyday. You've taught me so much. I cant really even express in words what's in my heart. Your family is and will remain in my prayers.

  24. A Child Of Mine by Edgar Albert Guest

    I will lend you, for a little time,
    A child of mine, He said.
    For you to love the while he lives,
    And mourn for when he's dead.
    It may be six or seven years,
    Or twenty-two or three.
    But will you, till I call him back,
    Take care of him for Me?
    He'll bring his charms to gladden you,
    And should his stay be brief.
    You'll have his lovely memories,
    As solace for your grief.
    I cannot promise he will stay,
    Since all from earth return.
    But there are lessons taught down there,
    I want this child to learn.
    I've looked the wide world over,
    In search for teachers true.
    And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
    I have selected you.
    Now will you give him all your love,
    Nor think the labour vain.
    Nor hate me when I come
    To take him home again?
    I fancied that I heard them say,
    'Dear Lord, Thy will be done!'
    For all the joys Thy child shall bring,
    The risk of grief we'll run.
    We'll shelter him with tenderness,
    We'll love him while we may,
    And for the happiness we've known,
    Forever grateful stay.
    But should the angels call for him,
    Much sooner than we've planned.
    We'll brave the bitter grief that comes,
    And try to understand.

  25. My thoughts are constantly with you and your loved ones. This is the hardest thing a parent has to do. I am grieving with you.

  26. You are INCREDIBLE and AMAZING! The celebration of Gavin was extremely beautiful! An excellent display of much love. The children's music was just the right touch, it was angelic. No matter how lost
    or alone you and your family may feel, you can take comfort in knowing that God is watching over you. I'm praying for you and your family and trusting that God's love will see you through today and your future.

    The Lord watches over all who love him... Psalms145:20

  27. Wishing I could be there. Will be praying all day.

  28. Praying for peace & strength!! ~ Bobbie Gildroy

  29. Keeping you all in my thoughts throughout each day, as I have every day since being introduced to your family and Gavin via Love That Max. Sending hugs and strength from Wisconsin.

  30. Thinking and praying for you today. So much love is being sent to you from all over the world. I hope you feel that strong hand holding you up today. Hugs to all of you.

  31. Praying for you and your family and will continue. Sending hugs and strength to get through each day.

  32. Praying for you as long as it takes.

  33. praying for all of you and saving space. love a fellow monkee (& mom)

  34. One of my very favorite songs of all time is Death Cab for Cutie's "What Sarah Says". It reminds me of when my uncle passed away unexpectedly in his early 30's and it literally rocked all of us to our core. But in that song there is a line that says, "Love is.. watching someone die." And how profoundly true that is. But I think Gavin is overwhelmed with not only the support from strangers given to your family, but also by his own family. Who, while sad and devastated, are plugging along and carrying his memory forward. And really, that's the best thing any parent can do for their child.

  35. Wishing your family strength and peace as you say goodbye to your superhero. Hugs from Boston!

  36. Thinking of your family today, as I have every day since learning about you all when Super Gavin went to the hospital this last time. Your strength and grace will carry you through, I know they will, but I hope your supporters in real life remain by your side in the most difficult days to come. My own critical loss in life became more difficult to deal with as friends' attention shifted away from the situation after the funeral, leaving me alone in my own head. May we all remember to remember and honor this beautiful family and to never forget Gavin and his many contributions to this world. Peace and love, one mama to another

  37. Thinking of you, praying for you, sending you love and light and blessings. I am so sorry for your loss. Warm hugs from a mama in Orlando.

  38. Thinking of you and your family today, and everyday after. I hope you are able to soak in the love at the service and carry that with you. I'm sure these next days, weeks, months, years will be a constant challenge as you find your new normal and adjust to life without your sweet boy. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey with the world. We are all pulling for you and will continue to think of you and send prayers and love your way.

  39. I have been following Chasing Rainbows for the last few weeks. Each time I open your blog, it is a mixture smiles and tears. I weep with your family at the passing of your lovely son, Gavin. I am praying for you, my sister, and your family that you will feel God's hand upon you.

  40. You are a true inspiration. I am constantly think of you and your little super hero. Sending all my love and strength to you.

  41. Know that you and your family (including Gavin) are in my thoughts and heart. Hugs from a Mama in Chelsea.

  42. How I wish I could be there with you right now. While physically I am thousands of miles away from you, my heart and prayers are right there next to you, Ed and Brian.

  43. I came over from Anna's blog An Inch of Gray. My heart is heavy with your sorrow. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Your dear son Gavin is so precious. I wish I could take your pain away. ((HUGS)) When you have a chance I would appreciate your address so I can mail you a handkerchief to catch your tears from my For Your Tears blog.

  44. I don't know you and I only started reading your blog a few weeks ago...but I've followed the events of the last several days and I want to say I am praying for you and your family.
    I am a 17 year old triplet...My sister Rachel had cerebral palsy and passed away 7 1/2 years ago at the age of 9. And, like Gavin, she taught the world more in just under a decade than many, many people do in a full lifetime. God has a plan for Rachel, for Gavin, and for all of us. The night I read Gavin died, I prayed for God to introduce Rachel and Gavin in Heaven...Two superheroes freed of their burdens of this Earth. I can say with confidence they are both running, singing, dancing, playing and praising like they never could on Earth.
    I admire your grace, courage and honesty throughout your journey and I am continuing to pray daily for you and your family.
    God Bless!

    (if you are interested Rachel's full story, a summarized version can be found here:


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