Thursday, June 13, 2013

Believing in Hope...

The morning of my birthday, waking up next to Gavin, I had this overwhelming feeling that I couldn't believe could possibly be true.  I just knew I was pregnant.  

I just knew it.

I've never had a strong feeling about gender with any of my pregnancies... but for some reason, that morning in Gavin's hospital room, I knew this baby was a girl.  And I knew her name would be Hope.

It had to be Hope.

Ed and I are so, very happy to announce that 
Hope Margaret Leong 
is our new daughter.

The genetic testing came back showing no major genetic issues.  As we well know, because of Gavin, anything can happen.  We have chosen to hold onto Hope... leave our worries behind... and embrace this beautiful gift from Heaven.

Because truly, this little girl was sent from Heaven.  And she will have two incredible brothers in Gavin and Brian.  I truly believe that Gavin already knows her.

Last night, I had my first real dream about Gavin.  (At least that I remembered)  It was so real that I woke up believing that it truly was that... real.  We interlaced our fingers and danced and he jumped up and down in excitement.  I felt him... I saw him clear as day.  It couldn't have happened at a more perfect time, this dream.  I needed to see him, to feel him again... and he came for me.

Thank you for believing Hope Margaret born this December!!!

(For those who are curious... HIS name would have been Dean Gavin Leong.  We were winners either way!)


  1. Congrats!! So happy for you and your sweet family!! xoxo

  2. Congratulations and you truly deserve this blessing! <3 It has been with honor to be invited to your personal stories of heart ache and triumph all together! I have been having a blast watching all your posts regarding Hope as I found out I was pregnant and we are nearly identical in due dates-so every time I witness your ultrasound images you provide a glimpse of what our 3rd baby peanut looks like...bless your hearts...congrats again!

  3. Oh goodness! I am so happy for your beautiful family!

  4. Oh wow, congratulations on your sweet girl, Hope! Such a beautiful name you have picked out for her. :)

  5. So so so happy for you all! Prayers for all of you daily!! :)

  6. Congratulations I am so incredibly happy for you all. And I cannot wait to "meet" Hope! Continued prayers always!

  7. YAY for Baby Hope!!!! I have goose bumps for y'all!

  8. Congrats! I cried tears of joy for you from Colorado

  9. Oh, such immense joy for you! Absolute delight. God bless you!

  10. So happy for you! Cannot wait to see pictures this December of Hope! Brian is going to be an AMAZING big brother and Hope has her big brother (Gavin) and big sister (Darcy) watching after her as well! Continued well wishes Kate!! God Bless!!

  11. Wishing you all the best as you treasure each and every day with Hope. ((hugs))

  12. Beautiful! I am believing in Hope right along with you! Praying for you and that sweet baby girl!

  13. Congrats to your little family of six! I have now capitalized Hope on my prayer list, and we'll be praying for all of you!

  14. Congratulations on this wonderful news! I got chills reading about your dream. I truly love your blog for what I think is exceptionally honest, raw writing. I am a person who is also pretty 'out there' with my life, and it's so nice to find a kindred spirit. Best wishes on this glorious gift!

  15. Hooray!! We all rejoice with you!

  16. <3 I couldn't be happier for you !

  17. I am bursting with happiness for you and your family!

  18. Truly, I don't know that I have ever been happier for someone. Can't wait to continue on his journey with you and your beautiful family! - sheila m

  19. Beautiful! I am so happy and hopeful! Love, Anna

  20. Oh, Hope! I am SO overjoyed! And for the record, I think that Gavin has met his baby sister, and I truly believe that your dream was a visit from Gavin. That is his spirit's way of connecting with you. Also, any time you can "feel" him (and even when you don't), his spirit is with you at that moment. I think he is SO proud of how you, Ed and Brian have handled his passing, and I think he is so excited to have another sister!

    You are going to LOVE having a little girl...I certainly do!

    LOTS of love and HOPE,

  21. Continuing to believe in Hope!

  22. SOOOOOOOO HAPPY for you!!! This baby is already so, so loved by many!!! All we want for Christmas is baby pictures - lots & LOTS of pictures of Baby Hope!!!!

  23. I have goosebumps reading this!! I am so, so happy for you and Ed & Brian!! I cannot wait to "meet" precious baby Hope in Dec!! I am sure she is spending her time now hearing from Gavin what a wonderful family she is a part of and what a lucky little girl she is!!

  24. I am just so THRILLED to hear of your dream date with Gavin. May you have many, many, more. I truly believe those dreams are REAL. Oh Kate I am so thrilled to hear project hope is now officially Hope Margaret. Gorgeous name. Just gorgeous. I will continue to hold you in sacred thought.

  25. Crying tears of joy from my office desk in Atlanta! SO SO happy for you! Going to pick up my little girl now and give her a big squeeze!

  26. So, so happy for you! Such good news! I am believing as hard as I can for you all.

    And I firmly believe your dream was real. I had several of Donna like that, I know just what you mean. Gavin came for a visit, and I'm sure it will be the first of many.


  27. Kate, I've been following you for quite a while now and I always want to comment but never do. I just figure that I'm overwhelmed by all of the comments on your blog, that you must be also, so what's the point of my one comment. Well today I absolutely had to so.....CONGRATULATIONS LEONG FAMILY!!! I figured that today my one comment might actually mean something, because there is no such thing as too many congratulations when it comes to a baby, and new beautiful life. You and your family are always in my prayers, and I will continue to pray for your beautiful Hope.

    1. This is what always happens to me. But this time I too will add my congratulations to
      You and your family. May Hope continue to grow strong and May you continue to be blessed as you have touched so many lives. Thank you.

  28. Wishing and hoping the very best for you and baby Hope. Xo

  29. I'm a friend of Tracey A's in Salt Lake - I'm so incredibly happy for you, and I love that you had a sweet dream of your baby boy that you can hold onto for a time. I love those. Tender mercies.

  30. So so happy for you!!! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Congratulations on your baby girl, December can't get here soon enough:)

  31. What an incredible gift...and a beautiful name! Congratulations!!

  32. There is nothing stronger in this world than the power of Hope!


  33. So VERY HAPPY for you!! <3

  34. Congratulations!! Continued prayers for a healthy pregnancy, happy delivery, and healthy baby girl :)

  35. Oh, Kate. That dream gave me chills. There are so few sacred moments like that, where you know something is truly of God, and what an enormous gift for you both. That is Love. And now...Hope! I am not praying much lately, but you are often on my heart and I hold you in The Light.

  36. Praying for all of you to have peace and health and comfort!!! Much love from Oregon!!!!

  37. Beautiful! Congratulations!!

  38. SO, SO happy that Gavin came to you in your dream and for the wonderful news of Hope! Congratulations and keeping your dear family in constant prayers.
    Lee Anne

  39. Happy tears! Thank you for sharing...

  40. Beautiful news! Hope is one lucky girl to have such a wonderful family :)

  41. Kate - I just felt from the beginning that Project Hope was a girl and hoped with all of my hope that you would name her Hope. (That's a lot of hope!) Congratulations to you, Ed and Brian and I am so thankful that Baby Hope has her biggest brother and hero, Gavin, watching over all of you. And what a special gift that Gavin visited last night and brought his infectious smile and spirit with him. Such wonderful news.

  42. What a joy! Praying and wishing and dreaming and hoping along with you. Hope Margaret is perfect.

  43. CONGRATS!!!! I thought you were having a girl!! Blessings all around!!!!

  44. That is so awesome! I just KNEW that she was a girl, and that her name should be Hope. I keep having dreams about her, she's as sweet as Brian.

  45. Oh that truely is cracking news. Many congratulations to you all.

  46. WOO HOO!!!! So Excited and HAPPY for you Momma!!! Sending TONS of LOVE from California

  47. Congrats to your beautiful family! This is thrilling news and will I continue to pray for your family daily.

  48. How perfect Brian getting a sister - he already has a brother and has learnt how to be a big brother from him, so a sister just seems so right. Project Hope is just so right. I think she is a gift from Gavin and Darcy. They wanted you to be a mum again, because they both experienced first hand how good you were at it. x Kiwi Follower

  49. Awesome beyond words. Happy tears from Ohio!

  50. nicole in san antonioJune 13, 2013 at 5:38 PM

    Congratulations Kate! Thank you for shaeing your joy with all of us strangers. Here I am, jumping up and down, so excited for you, with tears streaming down my face as I think of your dream.
    Bless you sweet Kate!
    Forever in prayer for you, Ed, Brian, and sweet baby Hope too.

  51. Oh I am SO happy that he came to you in a 'dream'. So so happy.
    And so happy about Hope.
    Thank You for sharing those precious words with us.

  52. Nancy- Horsham, PAJune 13, 2013 at 5:42 PM

    I am SO very happy for you and your family!!!! I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  53. I was so hoping that her name would be Hope. What else could be that perfect?I am so very happy for you, and will pray for Hope every single day until she arrives safely in your arms~

  54. Awesome. I am so happy for all of you... Praying Hope makes a beautiful appearence this December right into her loving family's arms!
    Syr NY

  55. Very excited for you guys! Congrats!

  56. A mom ALWAYS knows!

  57. Congrats to you all! I remember when you gave away all of your baby things which seemed like the reasonable thing to do at the time. Life is so mysterious! By any chance did you save any of the "girl" things like the doll and little shoes you showed on the blog? They were so sweet(of course you can buy them all again).

  58. Tears of joy, prayers for all and much love coming to your whole family.
    God bless you all.

  59. Ann Dillon TannousJune 13, 2013 at 6:06 PM

    What wonderful news! I've been waiting on pins and needles all day to hear! God bless Baby Hope Margaret and all of you! Is Margaret a family name or just a favorite name?

  60. Tears of joy for you and baby Hope. I am soooo happy for you!

  61. Over the moon happy for your family! Here's to Hope and Heaven's Blessings. <3

  62. Ann Dillon TannousJune 13, 2013 at 6:29 PM

    Such a wonderful "dream". I'm sure Gavin was with you.

  63. Beautiful. All of it. Simply beautiful.

  64. I knew it. I am so happy for you and your family! I will be praying for a healthy pregnancy, baby, & mommy! And maybe a birthday twin! (Though my birthday isn't until the end of Dec. on the 28th)

    You are such an incredible lady and family and I am blessed to "know you" through your blog.

  65. I will pray for you every single day from now until, well, forever, but especially leading up to Hope's birth.

  66. I am so excited for you! I am believing precious Hope to be born in December.

  67. Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Three cheers for Hope Margaret and the whole Leong clan. Wonderful, wonderful news. We are keeping the faith.

  68. Kate, I have been reading your blog for some time and I find you to be truly inspirational. Seeing a woman go to the ends of the earth to provide for her children is truly amazing. You clearly embody what it is to advocate for a child. My heart is broken for you and your family over the loss of Gavin, but I could not help the tears of joy from streaming down my face as I read about Hope. You are often in my thoughts and prayers and I will help you to believe Hope born.


  69. Thank you for the update and big smile...congratulations to you all!

  70. Beautiful--on every single level!

  71. So happy for you all with your new Hope. Funny how life works sometimes.

  72. Gorgeous! Our rainbow baby's first name is Margaret, so I am understandably biased, but I think y'all have chosen the perfect name.

  73. so incredibly happy for y'all! prayers for an easy pregnancy!

  74. Kate I admire your bravery in turning away from fear and deciding to believe Hope born. I am joining you from Boston, and pray for her - and you - regularly. What great news you've shared with us today. Thanks for letting us be a part of your story.

  75. What a beautiful name. I am so happy for the good news on your tests and that you saw Gavin again in your dream. I have a friend who lost a daughter and she talks often of seeing her in her dreams. It is always comforting to see her again. Many blessings to you and your family!

  76. I am so excited for you and cannot wait to see pictures of baby Hope. Thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  77. I think your pregnancy is the only one that is going to possibly feel longer than my own have felt! So anxious to "meet" baby Hope -- but we will wait until it is time. Continued prayers for you and your family.

  78. I am so happy for your family and especially for you Kate. God bless your family.

  79. Congratulations! So happy the genetic testing went well, can't wait for Hope to make her place on the blog!

  80. Rejoice rejoice rejoice! Praying Hope born (I KNEW it was a girl, too)! I am SO happy for you all and can't wait to see/meet Hope - she is a lucky little girl to have such a fabulous family and to have such an angel as Gavin watching over her from heaven!

  81. I'm so happy for you! I knew she would be a girl from the beginning. Congratulation!

  82. This brings tears to my eyes. And her name is beyond perfect. God is good.

  83. The first time I read your story and read you were pregnant I had this overwhelming feeling you were having a girl and this baby will be born healthy. I admire yiur strength in choosing to enjoy carrying your daughter. I had several miscarriages and would not allow myself to enjoy my last pregnancy with twins. Congratulations.

  84. So, so happy for all of you! I love the photos of the boys. Brian looks like he's having a great "belly laugh!" And Gavin has such a beautiful look of awe and wonder and contentment...

    Here's to Hope!


  85. Such absolutely fabulous news and so happy you are going to kick up your heels and embracce her and all this prenancy brings you all.

  86. I read this yesterday but didn't have a chance to post until today. SO THRILLED for you!! I just had a feeling that it was a girl named Hope! I will continue to pray for all of you - but I have such faith that Hope will be joining your family in December! Congrats!


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