Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kinda Wordless...

I thought I'd try to make this a "Wordless" post and share all the amazing (I mean TOTALLY amazing) photos from Brian's successful (and I mean TOTAL turnaround from yesterday!) swim lesson.  He had the time of his life.  See - I'm already failing at being wordless.  I'm too full of words.  If you get through all the photos, I have a few more words for you at the bottom that you might like a lot.

The morning started off a little rocky and Brian was crying at the side of the pool.  I decided to pretend I didn't see him (which felt horrible) every time he looked my way.  I just kept a perma-grin, excited look on my face.  Next time I looked his way, he was doing this...
...and this...
...and raising his hand to go "first"...
...and I've saved the best video for last.  Be sure to watch until the adorable end...
Wow - so much for wordless.

Anyway!  I decided to do something special every Monday on my Chasing Rainbows Facebook page. Yes, I know that today is Tuesday.  Let's move on.  I can make it right next week.  (Hopefully on Monday.)  Here's my great idea.  Every day I get many, many requests from people hoping to share their causes, facebook pages, blogs, voting links... what have you.  I had to make the difficult decision to say no to everyone - because I couldn't say yes to everyone!  And there was no way I could or would pick and choose.  To me, everyone is important.  The only things I share are those things or people that I have a personal connection with.  Truly, if I said yes to everyone - my page would be completely filled, every day, with other people's links and pages, etc.  

So...from now on, every Monday, I will post this on my Facebook Page:

"Share yourself!"

Then, you are welcome to post your blog, your page, your cause, your website - whatever you want as a COMMENT under that post...and that post only, so everyone will see it.  Then everyone can read through and discover new friends, inspiration, people who need help...etc.  It seems like it's finally something I can do that will allow people the exposure they are seeking without changing my page.  My page started out as a small page dedicated to my blog - which is dedicated to my family and our story.  I really like it that way.  But I really like this idea, too!  So, I'm off to create that post tonight... and I hope to see you Share Yourself!!

(Wow.  I am really bad at this wordless thing.)

Oh, and one more thing.  Gavin's school is on a summer break at the moment, which means that the first plans for the funds in "Gavin's Trust Project" are not completed yet.  Last time I communicated with them, they were still working on figuring out items they would need for new students starting in the Fall.  They are not rushing into purchases, which I appreciate!  I will be SURE to give a great update with lots of details when decisions are made!  I can't tell you how grateful they are for this incredible fund that just keeps growing and growing.  I am still open for donations - anytime - and you can find the link always on the right side of this blog.  Gavin will be part of so many lives of kids like him...hopefully for many years to come.

A true superhero.


  1. What a kind and generous thing to do - to offer your FB page for anyone to share. With the following that you have I know this will be a great way for connections to be made, inspiration to be shared, friends to be made and blogs that may make a difference in someone's life. You have inspired and encouraged so many and through this sharing of your immense following you are offering exposure to so many who would otherwise have no outlet to seek the help, encouragement, and support which could make such a difference in their life.

  2. Wow, your fish is back. Great job Brian I can't wait to see what you are going to do tomorrow. You are such a great swimmer, I know Gavin is so proud of you.

  3. I'm glad you are keeping your blog "yours". You deserve this space. But - what a thoughtful thing you are doing on Facebook.
    PS. Holy swim lesson turnaround! Kudos for the permagrin!

  4. that is a wonderful and beautiful thing you are doing over on your page. The only "problem" is there are many wonderful stories being shared, I can't possibly have time to look at them all! lol. glad you will be doing it every week, so I can check out a few each time! Love the idea!!!

    Thank you for sharing your life and videos with us. glad brian did well.
    Love and prayers always!

  5. Congrats to Brian! Kate, I just wanted to tell you that you did the right thing pretending to ignore him. I was a swim teacher for 8 years and it was so helpful when parents would just leave the teacher to deal with child. So kudos to you, I'm sure Brian's swim teacher was so very thankful so please do not feel awful. I wish more parents reacted like you when I was teaching swim lessons. :)

  6. Wow! Three cheers for the turnaround. That thumbs-up is absolutely adorable. I'm so glad for both of you.

  7. Love the thumbs up. It takes special people to do swimming lessons with young ones and it appears these people have the right stuff. Love the chop,chop timber!

  8. I just knew he would come around. Kids just can't watch people having fun in the water and not want to join in at some point.
    My father taught me how to swim by throwing me into the ocean. He was a pro surfer and he said, "No kid of mine is going to be afraid of the ocean" and he took me out on his board (knee deep water) and tossed me over. Needless to say, I learned how to swim (and surf).

  9. So wonderful - I use to teach swimming lessons, and although I hated getting in the water when it was cold, I loved watching my students gain confidence in the water.

    I love your FB initiative.


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