Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Cleaning And Scrubbing Can Wait 'Till Tomorrow...

Cooking and cleaning and can wait 'till tomorrow,
For my child died, much to my sorrow.
So quiet down chores, responsibilities can sleep,
I'm mourning my child because children don't keep.

Emails and snail mails can wait 'till tomorrow,
For my child died, much to my sorrow.
Don't care about makeup, my hair's going white,
I'm mourning my child who was taken in the night.

But there are some things that can't wait 'till tomorrow,
Even though Gavin died, much to my sorrow.
He left a brother - and sister, you see,
So life must continue how he'd want it to be.  
(But somedays, trust me, I long for yesterday and want to curse tomorrow.)

kate leong
five minutes ago
13 August 2013


  1. ((HUGS))
    I made a stitching of that (original) poem that hung in my children's nursery. I am so sorry for your pain and loss. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  2. Kate please know you are still in my thoughts and prayers EVERY day! I know that does not change the way you feel, but I hope it brings you comfort to know that so many are pulling for you!

  3. I, too, cannot imagine your pain...Gavin once looked so different to me, and now, when I see him again and again in the photos you post, I see him like I would my own child, different but normal, beautiful and sweet - He was happy - and you have many photos to prove that, but I will not lie and tell you "I can imagine your pain" - very few of us can, but those that can, without a doubt, so do with great sadness...I read your blog every night and think about you guys often...I wish nothing more than peace and happiness and 'Hope'....


  4. Praying that the edges of the hole Gavin left in your life will become less raw each day.

  5. Praying for you and your family for strength and comfort.

  6. I have no words today except...thinking of you and your family.

  7. Love. Hugs. Healing. And more hugs, Journeyer...

  8. oh, my gracious.

    i read every one of your posts, but this one. THIS one. it got me right in the heart. your sweet baby. i can't even begin to imagine how much you miss him.

    a woman in my town writes about the loss of her son almost two years ago in a terrible accident and I know she knows what you are going through. aninchofgray.blogspot.com you might want to link up with her sometime if you need support.


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