Saturday, August 3, 2013

Until Next Year...

Today was our last day in Ocean City.  Tomorrow morning we will do some last minute cleaning in our friend's house and get on our way home.  I will be very happy to get back home.  It's been a long week.  Physically, emotionally, mentally... in every way.  There were high highs when I was with Brian and watching him have SO much fun on the beach...
...and some low lows when I stole away to spend some alone time with Gavin under the pier.
The evening I went to the pier, the most remarkable thing happened.  I turned to walk back up the beach for home, wiping tears from my eyes - and suddenly a huge batch of bubbles flew in front of me!  Gavin LOVED bubbles.  I turned to see where they were coming from and saw two little boys... likely brothers... blowing bubbles and laughing.  I know Gavin is always with me... always around us... but that was like a clear sign in that very moment.  And on my walk back up, I found five incredibly perfect shells - I wasn't even looking for them.  It was really a beautiful moment.

I'm so happy my Mom was here with us this week.  And Brian was THRILLED to have time with her.  I think he's definitely going to go into "Granny Withdraw" when we get home!
The parts of the week that made me happiest were our trips to the boardwalk.  Each day, Brian got braver and braver and tried new rides.  I love wild rides - and Ed doesn't.  I always hoped that at least one of my children would inherit my "ride gene!"  Gavin definitely did - the wilder the ride, the better!  And Brian was my Ed... always playing it safe.  But this year there's been a shift - and every night I felt the tug and would look down to see Brian looking at me and pointing at a crazy ride.  We had so much fun.
He also had a great time by himself on some rides - including the boats, which he really loves.  Watch him in action...

I didn't want to push him to do anything he didn't want to do - even though I secretly REALLY wanted to see him ride Gavin's fire truck.  On the last day, he finally did... on his own.  And he loved it.  Check it out...

Ocean City is such a special place for us.  We have made many happy family memories here over the years.  This year was not easy - and coming back here was hard... but it was right.  Gavin would want us to continue making memories by the ocean he loved so much.  And knowing that he is now a part of that ocean... and even the boardwalk... this town means so much more than it ever did.

So... until next year, Ocean City.  The summer of 2014 we will be back with an even braver five year old, Brian, and a bright light named Hope.

I have a very special story to tell you about an incredible experience we had on the boardwalk this afternoon.  I'll save it for tomorrow.  It will be worth the wait.  If you ever thought that things happen by chance - tomorrow's post might change your mind forever.


  1. Oh man we have to wait till tomorrow. Loved you time spent with Gavin. So look forward to your posts

  2. Everyday we are in OC, we are on that very beach next to the fishing pier. I will never look at the pier again without thinking of you and your beautiful son. I'll be bringing some bubbles this week. Continued blessings to you and your family.

  3. Can't wait for tomorrow's post! Love your pictures, looks like you all had a fantastic time and you're right Gavin was there :)

  4. You are so strong, it's always been tough for me to repeat things that we did before my daughter passed now that she is gone. I'm sure it was hard for you to go, I hope in some way it was healing too.

  5. I don't believe things happen by chance; I believe God helps to put us in other's paths. So I can't wait for your story! I am glad that you had a wonderful and healing time at the beach.


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