Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Little Bit of Everything Weekend...

Our weekend was jam packed.  It had had had laughs...and tears...and two, count 'em TWO, awesome Jack 'o Lanterns.  I know...even I am impressed!

On Friday morning, my Mom came over while Brian was in school.  We had the washer and dryer going non-stop washing all of Hope's newborn clothes, sheets and blankets, burp cloths and her "coming home outfit."  It was so nice to have her here to do this with me - and we both gushed over the tiny outfits and tiny socks and soft blankets.  We're getting closer and closer to being totally "ready!"  Ed is upstairs in her nursery right now hanging window shades!  It's hard to believe I am 31 weeks now.  And everything so far is going great.  I'm definitely getting more and more uncomfortable and need to take more breaks than usual due to my irritable uterus.  But truly, I have been truly blessed with a perfect pregnancy so far.

When we went to pick up Brian from school, he was SO excited to see Granny!!  We all had lunch and the two of them read some books before she headed out.  Brian and I had our joint session with Dr. Trish that afternoon and it was wonderful.  She is really helping both of us - with our grief, with my pregnancy and definitely with my blood pressure.  She's an amazing healer.
Saturday was SUPER busy.  Brian was invited to his classmate, Daniel's, birthday party!  He happens to be our neighbor, which made it very convenient!  Brian was SO excited.  I'm really hoping that Brian didn't take notes during this party - because it was AMAZING.  Sonia, Daniel's Mom, MADE the minion board you see below - and had the kids try to shoot the apple with nerf guns.  And there were tons of other homemade minions...adorable sandwiches...cleverly packaged was impressive.  And I was having a panic attack.  (kidding)
Brian went NUTS over his minion party favor bag.  He didn't even know what minions were - but he didn't care!
Brian and I left the birthday party right after the cake to run (and by run, I definitely mean drive around the corner back to our house - let's be honest) to get him into his Halloween costume!  Ed was already over at our other neighbor's house helping them set up for the annual neighborhood Halloween party.  I'd love to show you the photos from that party - but I'm upholding my tradition of not revealing costumes here until the big day.  It's quite possible you'll see ME in costume, too, so be sure to come back on October 31st!!

The party was a lot of fun and Brian had a blast.  A two party day wiped us out, though!  Brian was so tired... I was so tired... and I was also very emotional.  Halloween isn't even remotely my favorite holiday - but Gavin's absence hit me like a ton of bricks.  I loved dressing them up in matching or coordinating costumes.  Like this... the Zoo Keeper and the Lion, inspired by the book "Goodnight Zoo."
At bedtime, Brian chose the book "If Nathan Were Here."  I've read this book to him several times and got through it just fine.  But last night?  Last night I really struggled.  I kept stopping to collect myself and could feel the tears welling up and then spilling over, unstoppable.  Ed came in at that moment and when he saw me HE lost it.  Soon Brian was looking at both of us, not sure what to do.  He's seen us cry before - it wasn't entirely new to him.  But we still talked about it.  We told him that it's okay to cry - and how much we all miss Gavin - and how it's okay to be happy and still need to be sad and still feel joy.  I told him that we felt sad for him that he lost his brother.  And that I bet he felt sad for us that we lost our little boy.  He nodded his head to agree and said, "But that's okay.  You still have ME!!"  We had a big group hug and smothered him with love and kisses.  

I really didn't recover - and that's okay.  I cried much of the night.  I suppose that's just what I needed - a good cry.  I was in bed early - and up late, thanks to a husband who let me sleep off my grief hangover.

I woke up with a new attitude and prepared myself for "Pumpkin Day!!!"  Brian announced one day that he wanted to make a Jack 'o we did!  Here is the photo proof:
He laughed hysterically when I called the inside of the pumpkin "Pumpkin Guts."
He's giving a thumbs up for the cool looking pumpkin guts...and a thumbs down for the idea of sticking his hand in to pull them out!
Mommy's not the best artist - but Brian was impressed with my work in progress!
Turns out he was VERY impressed with the finished product!  He told me to take a picture of him kissing his Jack 'o Lantern...
...and hugging it.  Success!!!
Then I surprised him with an Angry Bird Piggie kit that he could push into another pumpkin!  
He was over the Angry Bird moon.
I put an electric candle inside and we put our pumpkins on the porch to test them out.
We're all ready for our trick or treaters this Thursday!!


  1. Beautiful!!
    Kate you are simply amazing! I just can't say that enough. I hope you feel all the prayers that are said for you and your family, because we pray for you a lot just in my house.
    I just wanted to tell you, because I never knew, if you put a little bleach in your bathtub, and fill it with water, then soak your pumpkin in it for a little bit, then air dry, it'll stay fresh (not moldy) for longer.

    Thank you for being so honest and sharing so much of yourself with us (me).

  2. Children are so amazing. When I had to come home without my twins, who were in the NICU, I thought I'd be okay because it would give me time to heal and take care of my 4-year-old daughter. I found myself crying with her there and she asked why I was sad. When I said I was sad that I had to leave the babies at the hospital, she said, "But you have THIS kid!" So uncanny, they are...and we are lucky to have them!


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