Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I Neglected To Mention...

Did I leave you hanging?

Sometimes I feel like I do.  I'll write about something - and then forget to do a follow up.  If there's ever something that you want to know that I'm neglecting to mention - it's okay to nudge me with an email. are, in no particular order, eight things you may be wondering but were afraid to ask.

Poor Gavin is sick...AGAIN.  Up and down fevers (the highest has been 102.7) and a thick mucous.  Unfortunately for him, pollen counts are at a high according to my trusty phone app from  So on top of his cold, he has terrible allergies to deal with.  Check out the next four days...

Allergy Alert - 4 Day Forecast

for  Phoenixville, PA (19460)


BUT!  There's hope!  If we picked up and moved to Malibu, California the pollen count is really low.  Gavin would benefit...I could wear flip flops all year round...Brian could learn to surf...and Ed could ogle the supermodels as they strolled in front of our beachfront home!!  Look at the comparison between our town and there - it's a no brainer, right?  I better start packing...

Your Comparison Results

In all seriousness, Gavin's therapy was canceled and I kept Brian home from school.  I am really sad that the boys (especially Gavin who always gets it worse) keep getting sick.  This is so new in our house.

I did manage to make it to a quick Dr. Trish appointment today.  She promptly welcomed me back, told me my body was a wreck (something I already knew) and begged me to come back on Monday.  I didn't leave before setting up standing appointments for me AND for Gavin.

Our ladybug larvae are changing and growing every day and doing lots of disgusting things to gross us out.  Besides just crawling around in their "Ladybug Land" - which gives Miss Sara and I the heebie-jeebies - they are leaving little body parts all over the place.  I suppose, as the Mom, I should be more educated about this - it's like they are pooping shell parts all around the dome.


But it's very cool to watch them as they change.  See how a couple of them are bigger and lighter?  That just happened today.  

Let's see, what else...

The pre school that I, along with Gavin's therapy team, were going to go visit?  Well, that's no longer an option.  The school district is going to open a new special ed pre school MUCH closer to our home.  The other school would have meant a 30-45 minute bus ride!  We won't be able to see this new classroom until June, which is fine.  We're in no rush.

Brian has been showing a little more interest in potty training!  The times that he's actually gone in the potty were times that I wasn't home - which is such a bummer.  He went for Miss Sara.  But he went!!  And last time he actually ASKED to go!  I discovered his currency of choice is Angry Birds Candy which he can have after he goes.  But he has to go.  I'm currently on a mission to find tiny Angry Bird underwear in 2T or 3T.  If you are a professional "Googler" and have some spare time...

Today I began Lupron injections to start preparing my body for an embryo transfer!  Right now, our chosen donor is having to deal with injections to prepare for her egg retrieval.  As long as everything goes according to plan, I'm looking at a transfer at the end of May or the beginning of June.

I'm still working with Brian to try to eliminate his peanut allergy with the techniques I learned from our Acupunturist, Dr. Kang.  I wrote about this before in THIS post, but haven't mentioned it a whole lot lately.  My plan is to bring him back to his traditional allergist in a month or so to get him retested.  Wouldn't it be just crazy if his nut allergy was gone?

And finally - something very special arrived in the mail today!!  I was able to secure pretty great tickets to see Theresa Caputo from the show Long Island Medium in June! I'm going with Ed and my Mom and we are all SO excited.  Of course we hope my Dad - and Ed's parents - come through and we all get special messages.  But even if we don't, it's just fascinating to watch what she does.  Whether you believe in mediums or not - you can't argue that her messages bring so much peace to the person she's "reading".  Even if she made the whole thing up, what person wouldn't want to hear that their Dad has been watching and noticing all the special moments in their life?  I don't necessarily need someone to tell me this about my own Dad - but that extra validation would be really special.  Not to mention, it's a night out with my Mom and Ed and a reason to dress up.

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