Wednesday, May 16, 2012

They Said Yes!...

I could write about so many different things today...but nothing would trump the phone call I got this morning.

I would say that some things are worth pushing for - and my insistence that Gavin be able to go to school with our Miss Sara was one of those things.  

Today...they said YES!!

I don't have a start date for this pre-school program yet.  Actually, the classroom doesn't even exist yet! It will be staffed and filled with the few kids they have lined up...Gavin being one of them.  It's a dream situation - like this classroom will be tailored to fit him just right.

And knowing that Sara can accompany him as a personal aide every day?  Brilliant.  I think it will make Gavin's transition much easier.  I think it will help the teachers and therapists get to know him faster.  But, let's face it - it will spare my heart, save me on anti-anxiety medication and lower my stress level.  I can't even begin to tell you how happy this makes me.

Miss Sara, too.  When I got off the phone we did the happy hugging dance together.  She and Gavin really have become buddies.

I'm feeling just so grateful today.


  1. Amen! Alleluia! What an answer to prayer. So, so, so happy for all of you. Michelle xx

  2. Woohoo! That is fantastic news :)


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