Tuesday, May 15, 2012

She Goes To Wegmans...

This came home in Brian's backpack today.  An interview his speech therapist, Miss Maggie, did with him.  I cried.  And laughed.  And later when I read it again?  Cried and laughed again.  I was also very relieved that Brian did not reveal to his teachers what my REAL favorite TV show is.  Whew.

I'd love to know what was going on in that little head of his when he answered.  (Like why my eyes are black?!?!?  Creepy!)  My favorite is "My mom is the greatest because she goes to Wegmans."  For some reason, Brian is obsessed with Wegmans!  Well, come to think of it...I am, too.  And the "she goes upstairs" comment cracked me up.  That has to be one of two things.  I tend to make bedtime pretty fun...so maybe it's that?  Or it could be that I keep my iPad (with Angry Birds on it) upstairs and sometimes as a treat I'll bring it down for him to use.  Hopefully he loves me more for fun stories and hugs at bedtime!!!

I was able to thank Miss Maggie this afternoon when she was here for Gavin's feeding therapy.  It went...well, I'll let Gavin's facial expression tell you:

Maggie tried to feed him some Pirate's Booty, bites of cheese and banana pieces...but he just wasn't into it.  Partly because his allergies keep him so congested and it's hard to eat...and partly because, well, he hates eating solid food.
I've always said that feeding is the hardest - it will be the last thing we conquer, I bet.  I'd even be willing to bet that he'll be walking and talking before he is on a total solid diet.  For now that's very okay with me.  A home made pureed diet is preferable to a permanent tube any day in my book.

After she left, we continued to try for a little bit...and Brian joined his brother at the table for a snack.

I recently bought a new cup for Gavin after seeing it on an episode of one of our favorite shows, "Shark Tank."  It's called the Lollacup and was designed by a couple with two young children.  

I loved that the cup had two big handles.  But the big selling feature was that they weighted the straw.  So when the child tilts the cup, the straw stays in the liquid - ensuring that the child gets every last drop of milk.

Like anything new...it has been a hard sell on Gavin.  He's a creature of habit and he loves his favorite sippy cup.  Problem is, he bites through the straws of those cups and we're constantly replacing them.  And, there's that pesky problem of leftover liquid that his straw can't reach.  One day it will "click" and the Lollacup will be his new favorite thing.  Fingers crossed!!

Update on our ladybugs that continue to FASCINATE us!!!
This is a perfect photo to show you three of the stages they go through in "Ladybug Land."  If you look at the grey area, the bug on the right is still a pupae.  (Click the photo to make it big!) He is attached strongly to the plastic and stays very still for days. I swore they were all dead during this phase!  Then suddenly you blink and there's a yellow coating all over their body (like the bug in the middle).  It's almost like a cocoon and I think that's when they grow their wings.   You blink again and POOF!  You see a ladybug!  It has been such a cool experience.

Speaking of cool experiences!  My friend, Ellen, from the wildly popular blog Love That Max asked me and a few other mommy bloggers to co-host a live talk with her this Friday on "The Motherhood."  I was so honored.  She had just recently asked me to write a guest post on her blog so I'm totally full of myself to get a second 'nod' from the Queen of Mommy bloggers (in my humble opinion) - I just LOVE her.

I am quite nervous - I hope I'm able to keep up with a text chat type of forum.  And I don't want to disappoint Ellen - she's ma' fave!!  Stop by for the chat if you can!  I am pretty sure you can observe the mayhem if you don't want to participate.  Just don't tease me afterward if I put my keyboard in my mouth.  Get it - like put my foot in my mouth?  I'm working on my 'text-chat' humor.  I know...keep working.

Consider this your formal invitation:

A live, all-text Talk on The Motherhood, called Managing the OMG Moments as Parents of Special Needs Kids. We'll talk about the challenges, feelings of isolation, advocating for our kids, interactions with friends and family and anything else that’s affecting your life these days.  Come share your stories, approaches and ideas, and we'll do our best to support each other.


Friday, May 18, at 1 p.m. ET.  We will chat for 30 minutes!


On The Motherhood, right here - http://bit.ly/K04T0h


The all-text chat will be hosted by the amazing Ellen Seidman of Love That Max.  Co-hosting are these wonderful women:

Dana, Uncommon Sense, http://niederfamily.blogspot.com/
Hallie, Visions of Johanna, http://hallielevinesklar.com/
Jennifer, Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism, http://thinkingautismguide.blogspot.com/
That's me ---->  Kate, Chasing Rainbows, http://www.kateleong.com/
Katy, Bird on the Street, http://birdonthestreet.com/
Lisa, Autism Wonderland, http://www.autismwonderland.com/
Shasta, Outrageous Fortune, http://www.outrageousfortune.net/
Sunday, Extreme Parenthood, http://www.extremeparenthood.com/

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