Monday, May 21, 2012

Kate From Pennsylvania...

Despite our denial...Monday still came and we had to drag ourselves out of bed.  The good news?  It was rainy which meant that our Superhero got a reprieve from the pollen.  He was definitely "perkier" today!

I drove Brian to school and was headed to the grocery store for a few things...listening to one of my favorite programs on XM Radio called Broadminded.  They announced that the next guest was going to be a "Medium" named Suzanne Northrup and if we wanted to connect with any loved ones who had "crossed over" to call in.  Well, of course I did just that.  Much to my surprise...I got through!  They put me on hold and I sat in the Wegman's parking lot listening to all the other callers get wonderful messages from their family members or friends that had died.  This woman was the real deal!  As I sat there in the car - rehearsing what I would say if I heard "Kate from Pennsylvania, you're on the line..." - my heart was beating out of my chest.  I felt SO close to hearing from my Dad...or my daughter...or, gosh, the list could go on.  

But then...time ran out.  She never got to me.  I was crushed.

No worries, though!  Turns out the medium, Suzanne, is doing a small gallery reading in Philadelphia in July!  Only 15 people will be in the room...three of which will be me, Ed and my Mom!  We are guaranteed to hear from our loved ones, it says in the information.  I can't wait.  It's very interesting how desperate one can feel to "hear" from deceased loved ones.  I would give anything to talk to my Dad again.  It makes me want to cry to remember all those times I silently wanted him to stop talking.  What a stupid kid I was.

Have any of you ever had an experience with a medium?  I'd LOVE to hear your stories!

I picked Brian up from school with the groceries and we headed home for lunch.  We were excited to see Miss Janna come in the door when we were through.  Gavin loves Miss Janna...and Brian always gets excited to see what kind of toys she brings each time!  Today they worked on color matching with big dice and ribbon bracelets.  Gavin and Brian took turns stacking the dice to make a tower...

...and laughed as Brian knocked it all down.

Janna then worked with Gavin to get him to notice the colors on his wrist and touch the coordinating cube.

They also worked on his fine motor skills with a lacing exercise.  When she pulled out the board I thought it would not go over well.  Gavin typically hates being forced to "pinch" using his fingers.  Boy, did he surprise both of us today!  He didn't exactly pinch, but he initiated putting his fingers on the string!

And he actually pulled it through the board using his whole hand!  Pretty resourceful I should say!

1 comment:

  1. The title of this entry made me giggle.

    When I talk about something you have done or said or an idea I got from you, people around me say "who?", and I say my "online friend", Kate from Pennsylvania. :)


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