Monday, October 10, 2011

I've Been Keeping a Secret!...

I'm back! What's that? You didn't even notice I was gone...for the last three days? Story of my life... *wink*

I was gone. And by gone I mean really gone! Pretty much every second of my life is broadcasted online - by me. But I have had this fantasy of just "disappearing" and telling very few people where I am. This past weekend - I crossed that off my bucket list. Ed and I stole away to an undisclosed location where this Mommy got pretty pampered. We were very grateful to Miss Katja for living at our house for a couple days with the boys - who had so much fun. I was hoping to come home feeling rested and relaxed and ready to hop on this IVF train. Although being away was relaxing - and doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted was pretty blissful...I always forget that it's hard to sleep well in a hotel. I got very little sleep. And then, like salt in my wound, I slept in my own bed last night - and was up the majority of the night with insomnia. Arrrghhhhh! But I was away for a couple days - so lack of sleep is not something I should complain about.

I was so happy to come home and see the boys. As nice as it is to have a break - it's always too long away from them. It's still just the three of us until I find a permanent helper...but it's been so nice. Today we played and read a lot of books and had fun on the iPad and Gavin totally impressed me with his eating.

In between all of that, Gavin had two therapies! Miss Carol, Gavin's hearing teacher, came by for her monthly visit. We always love seeing Miss Carol - who has known Gavin since he was an itty bitty baby with big hearing aids. She stuck around for Miss Janna's session after that. I love when the therapists co-treat and get to see what the other's are up to.
Gavin impressed all of us by pushing the red car to the red square! Janna has been working hard with him on color matching. It *might* have been a fluke, but who knows! We all cheered and he was clearly proud of himself!
Gavin's therapy was rewarding for Brian, too, who got to build with legos...

...and even said "Pop! Pop! Pop!" when trying to pop the bubbles in the air!

I've started twice a day injections to prepare my body for IVF. My first appointment to check the progress of my cycle will be this Friday. It will be then that they'll have a better idea of when I will need to come back for monitoring and also the egg retrieval and embryo transfer. I feel so very grateful that my sister, Bean, will be on hand to help me with the boys for these appointments. It's a huge...and I mean a HUGE...comfort! Please keep us in your prayers this month...I won't pretend I'm not hanging lots of hopes and dreams on this cycle.

Gavin and Brian are so enjoying the iPad. Brian is a bit obsessed with his books and games but he does let Gavin use it, too!
I thought I'd share some of the new apps I got that they're really enjoying. I highly recommend all of these. We have four made by "Duck Duck Moose" - "Wheels on the Bus", "Fish School", "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Old MacDonald". They are so adorable and interactive - and you can even record your own voice singing the songs! Gavin lights up when he hears me singing "Wheels on the Bus!" "Interactive Alphabet" by Pikea is lots of fun. We have books like "Dr. Seuss ABC", "Hop on Pop" and a beautiful "Pop Out Peter" that has so many interesting graphics. And Gavin really likes "Peek a Boo Barn" and "Peek a Boo Wild". Thank God for technology - it's amazing to see the boys navigate this iPad!!

It's nice to be back. And don't worry - I do have a goal to start writing earlier in the day. But only for you, Ms. Lawson. (private message across the globe)

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