Thursday, October 6, 2011

Question of the Day...

Today is a good news, bad news kinda day. I'll give you the good news first. Gavin and Brian had a great day! Brian did a great job repeating some sounds for me - I was so proud of him. And Gavin had two therapy sessions.

His first therapy was with his teacher, Miss Janna. One of the things they worked on combined color matching with pinching. Gavin was pretty resistant to letting her hold onto his hands for much of it and gave Janna a bit of a hard time.

Immediately after was his speech therapy with Miss Maggie where he redeemed himself. She used bubbles again which she would hold up to his lips. The idea has been to get him to anticipate the bubble popping on his lips...which would hopefully encourage him to make a kissy face. The concept is to get him to practice lip closure...which is important for eating, drinking and speech. Interesting, huh? Gavin did a great job today! You can check it out in this video...

The bad news is about me. I wrote in a previous post about a terrible dental experience I had when I first became a flight attendant when I was given four unnecessary root canals. On the day I wrote that, I had to go to the dentist to get a temporary crown put on one of those teeth as the old crown (from the bad dentist) had cracked. That was over a month ago and since then that temporary crown has bothered me a lot. The discomfort wakes me up at night and I haven't been able to eat on that side this whole time. So today was the day I was to have the permanent crown placed and I was so relieved. I thought it would be the end of the pain. I was up and out of the house before the sun came up. The dentist saw me at 7am so I could be back in time for Ed to go to work. The appointment was only going to take a half hour. Well, that half hour passed while I was in the chair...and the doctor was trying and trying to get this new crown to fit. Shot after shot of novacaine was injected into my gums. Then...he dropped the bomb. He told me that they would need to get a new permanent crown made - this one was not working. He'd have to put the temporary back on...the one that has bothered me for a freaking month. Which means that I'll need to figure out another appointment to come in and have this done...again. I couldn't hold back my silly tears. The dentist shook his head and actually said to me, "You've had some pretty bad dental karma." Uh....YEAH?

On the drive home my jaw started to ache. By the time I got home - it was throbbing. All day I have had the worst kind of toothache that medication hasn't even touched. I called the dentist to see if there was anything he could do for me - and poor Ed said he would come home from work if I needed to go back. On the phone is when the doctor dropped another bomb. "I think you may need to get a root canal on that tooth."


I told him I had already had a root canal on that tooth - and all the others around it! He said he didn't know what the heck they did - but it wasn't a root canal. I am in shock. And in pain. And pretty mad. And...quite honestly...feeling very very sorry for myself.

So at 5pm today I will be at the endodontist getting an emergency root canal...hoping that it will at least stop this pain.

The question of the day for me is this - will I ever catch a break?

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! I'm not a big fan of the dentist either, but none of my experiences have been quite so bad as yours have been. I really hope this emergency root canal solves the problem and you are feeling better soon.


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