Friday, June 1, 2012

Crew Cuts...

Anyone that knows me knows that I'm pretty particular about the boys hair.  Maybe it was growing up as the daughter of a Navy Captain - but I love my boys with short, short hair.  The second I see it hanging over their ears I'm calling our friend, Silvia, to get them in for cuts.  I just LOVE when they have a fresh cut.  What can I say - it's my "thing."  Everyone has a "thing," right?

So today - they got nice short cuts for June!  I was *this* close to asking her to give Brian a mohawk.  How cute would that be?!  Maybe someday.

Here's Gavin modeling his new look...

Before the haircuts, Gavin had physical therapy with Miss Wendy and did such a great job.  She had him on our Tricycle and he was 'schooling' his little brother on how to keep his feet on the pedals!  I was very impressed.

This morning was my last "blood and ultrasound" appointment before my embryo transfer.  My lining is the perfect measurement and all ready for our little embryo to hopefully make his or herself at home!  Our egg donor's egg retrieval will be tomorrow.  Then the embryologists will update us each day on the progress of our little embryo.  My transfer is still tentatively scheduled for either Tuesday or Thursday.

I asked the nurse, who I've known for some time, if she has met our donor.  She smiled and said, "Yes!  And Kate, she's exceptional.  I really like her a lot."

While I'm sure some people do this to make some big time money, I've been told that our donor is also very happy to be helping us.  And she's been very interested in the process from a medical standpoint - asking a ton of questions and very curious.  Sounds like me!

I've already experienced her kindness.  When Ed and I decided to try to take one last trip before a possible pregnancy, we were worried that we would be gone and our donor would all of a sudden be ready for retrieval.  We were afraid we'd miss something - but we also desperately wanted to take this trip.  I checked in with the donor coordinator and shared my thoughts with her.  Within a few hours she got back to me and said that our donor was happy to delay her stimulation medications so we could relax and go on our trip with no worries.  Basically, she changed her plans and rearranged her schedule for us.  I was floored.

As it turned out, the trip was the best thing we could have done.  We're walking into this week feeling SO in love - SO relaxed - and So sure of everything.

We are feeling so blessed.

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