Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day 2012...

Ed is a spectacular father.  Has been from day one when he jumped in to change a fragile, sick infant in the hospital NICU.

He and Gavin have a very special bond.  Gavin adores his Daddy!!  I don't think he would have allowed me to hold his hand long enough to put paint on it - and then be patient enough to place it down so carefully - for anyone else!  Gavin's hand is the top of the tree, of course.  He is the oldest, after all.

Every June I make our Shutterfly photo calendars (they are 50% off then!) and it makes a great Father's Day present for the man who has everything.  Ed loves having his photo calendar at work so he can see the kids during the day.  This year's calendar has so many wonderful memories.

Brian had a special present for his Daddy that he did in Speech with Miss Maggie!  His answers to questions about his Dad had us all cracking up.  Click on the photo to make it bigger if you're old and blind like me!
Pretty much every night when Ed gets home from work, he plays with Brian.  Watching a grown man race to find a good hiding spot in "hide and seek" will melt your heart.  Brian loves playing with his Daddy.  They laugh a lot - and even have similar laughs!!  Anyone who knows Ed knows his laugh is contagious.

Yesterday I sent Ed away.  Mother's Day and Father's Day should be guilt free days where the honored person gets to do anything and everything they want.  So he had a solo getaway with no work, no kid duty, no alarm clock - nothing.  He was pretty psyched.

When he got home, he and Brian went outside to wash cars - a new experience for Brian!!  He had a ball and wants to "do it again tomorrow."

When it comes to Fathers, I hit the lottery.  I was raised by a great one...and I married a great one.  
Happy Father's Day, Ed!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, not a Father's Day comment but just heard this woman interviewed on "New Dimensions" on NPR and thought of you. Here's her book.Very interesting and maybe helpful.


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