Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The End.

Just got the call.


Although it was what I expected, I hoped for a crazy "one in a million" positive outcome.

It's the end of the road.  The end of my dream.  For many years now my identity has been wrapped around conception.  Unfortunately, as a child, I had no idea that my dream of having several children would become a difficult journey with so many road blocks. 

I am heartbroken.  I want a "do over" - but I know that won't happen.  And I'm tired of dreaming of things that will never be.


  1. ((((HUGS)))) I don't know what else to do....I could say I understand but I don't...I did had infertility issues but not to the extreme that you have had.....I just don't know what to say or do except let you know that I have been a follower since the caringbridge days & I am praying.........
    Kim <3

  2. Kate, my heart breaks for you. I'll be praying for peace for you and your family. May God cradle you in his hands today.

  3. *hugs*, Kate. I'm so sorry. I'm praying for you - for peace and comfort.

  4. So sorry. Holding you in my heart.

  5. Love you Kate. I'm so sorry.

  6. I'm so sorry Kate. I'll be thinking of you often and hoping that peace comes soon.

  7. Sorry, I'll be praying and thinking of you and your family.

  8. As soon as I saw your title for today's post, my heart sank! I am so sorry. Praying for you to find peace. Hugs and good thoughts sent your way.

  9. I am so sorry Kate. I've prayed along with you since I started following you on Caringbridge. I wish I had words to ease your pain. Just know that a big hug is coming to you from Illinois.

  10. I am sorry to hear this! I was praying you would have great news. I have also followed you since Caringbridge. May God grant you acceptance for whatever He has in store.

  11. Oh Kate, I am so sorry to hear this. I was so hoping that this was your month, that you would have good news to share with us. Please take care of yourself during this sad time and know that A LOT of people are thinking about you.

  12. We have you in our thoughts and prayers.
    Geoff, Elayne, Ali, Drew AND Lucy!

  13. I am so sorry. I know how hard it is when you want a third child so much even though you already have two amazing children. People can be critical of someone longing for more children even if they already have a family, but they don't know how it feels to have a dream not fully realized. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. I am so sorry, Kate. I know what it feels like to be where you are, and it made my chest tighten just reading today's entry. I will pray for you and Ed.

  15. There are no words :-( Sending you love & peace.
    ~ Jen Semple

  16. I am sorry Kate. I will pray for you.

  17. I am so sorry Kate. Prayers...

  18. Lots of prayers for you today and always! As someone who has went through many obstacles and devastating losses while starting my family, I understand your devestation, and know and share your pain.
    Thank you for sharing it with us, i know it is not easy, but you have helped so many, not that that comforts you now, but i hope that it does in the future. Your family is loved and prayed for my more than you will ever know! Thank YOU & God bless!

  19. I've been reading your story since you first started on CaringBridge, yet I've never commented before. I'm so sorry. I know there are no words that can ease the pain you are feeling right now. Prayers are going out to you and your family.

  20. I am so sorry and I will be praying for you to feel peace.

  21. Sending hugs to you, Ed and the boys

  22. I am so sorry. I pray that God opens other doors for you. My heart goes out to you. God Bless.

  23. I am so sorry.
    - Fidi (from old ivillage boards)


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