Saturday, June 16, 2012

Three And A Half!...

Happy Half Birthday, Brian!

Today, you are halfway to four and your Mommy and Daddy can't BELIEVE it.

You are so much fun, Brian.  You love puzzles and art.  You love books and music.  You really love your brother, which makes me so happy!

You love chalk on the driveway and getting the mail.  You love school and the playground and wearing a backpack.  You love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and stickers and the moon in your room.

You're doing a great job peeing on the potty and we just got Angry Birds underwear!!  Oh - you LOVE Angry Birds.  You also love your iPad and learn so much on there.  I really think it's helping you learn sight words and spelling and more!!!

Today you woke up to signs and balloons and a present at the breakfast table!

And you opened your present - a doctor's kit!

We baked cookies, too, which was like the blind leading the blind (*wink*) - but it was fun!!

It was such a fun morning!!

We love you so much, Brian!

1 comment:

  1. Needed more pics! LOLOLOLOL! What a fun morning!


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